Revision history for App-PDRUtils
0.07 2016-10-07 (PERLANCAR)
- pdrutil: Add subcommand 'list-prereqs'.
0.06 2016-03-03 (PERLANCAR)
- sort-prereqs: Fix spacing.
- sort-prereqs: Add option --spacing to set spacing explicitly.
0.05 2016-03-03 (PERLANCAR)
- Add subcommands: ls, sort-prereqs.
- Allow multiple --depends, add --doesnt-depend.
- Some fixes.
0.04 2016-03-03 (PERLANCAR)
- [Internal] [Refactor] Modularize each subcommand to a separate module.
- Replace CLI script 'pdrutils' with 'pdrutil' (which operates on a
single perl dist repository at a time) and 'pdrutil-multi' (which
operates on multiple perl dist repositories at a time).
0.03 2016-03-02 (PERLANCAR)
- Add some filtering options: --{exclude,include}-dist{,-pattern},
--{has,lacks}-tag, --depends.
- Add subcommands: add-prereq, remove-prereq.
- [Internal][Refactor] merge _for_each_dist_ini_in_repo to
_for_each_repo because we will need dist.ini too when filtering.
- [doc] Move doc from module to script.
- [doc] Tweak Rinci metadata: make 'repos' a common arg.
0.02 2016-03-02 (PERLANCAR)
- Implement subcommands {inc,dec}-prereq-version-by.
0.01 2016-03-02 (PERLANCAR)
- First, early release. Only these subcommands have been implemented: