0.110 2022-09-09 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: high
- [bugfix] Fix a couple of bug fixes.
0.109 2022-09-09 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: high
- [bugfix] --random didn't observe --limit
- [ux] Give example for --random.
- [dist] Remove Changes entry for non-existent release 0.107.
0.108 2022-09-09 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add option: --random.
0.106 2021-09-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Replace an example for '--eval' with a more sophisticated
0.105 2021-09-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add option --eval (-e).
0.104 2021-08-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [build] Rebuild with updated toolchain to tweak "EXAMPLES" POD
0.103 2021-08-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [example] Update example: list-id-holidays -> list-idn-holidays.
- [build] Rebuild with updated toolchain to prettify usage in POD and
move examples to separate "EXAMPLES" POD section.
0.102 2021-01-13 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add options: --limit-yearly, --limit-monthly.
- Add support for _filter, for wrappers like dateseq-id.
- [doc] Mention dateseq-id.
0.101 2021-01-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Add example in Synopsis of using %q (although this is also
demonstrated in documentation on --strftime option).
0.100 2020-04-30 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- [build] Rebuild with updated Perinci::Sub::To::CLIDocData to list all
options in CLI usage line.
0.099 2019-11-29 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: high
- Merge two releases 0.098 & 0.098.1.
0.098.1 2019-11-29 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Update coerce rule names in Sah schemas (Data::Sah::Coerce 0.034+).
UPDATE: Rename release from 0.098 -> 0.098.1, cancel release
(duplicate version).
0.098 2019-11-19 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Now use DateTime::Format::Strftimeq instead of
DateTime::Format::Strptime, for ease of custom formatting.
0.097 2019-07-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Allow using other DateTime::Format::* classes: rename
--date-format to --strftime, add --format-class &
0.096 2019-07-16 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] When --to is specified, the date specified in --to was
not included.
- Replace broken str_alami_en coercion with str_natural.
0.095 2019-07-16 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Mention durseq, seq, seq-pl.
0.094 2019-06-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add options: --include-month, --exclude-month.
0.093 2019-06-20 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add options: --include-dow, --exclude-dow.
0.092 2019-05-26 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Make 'from' argument optional, defaults to today.
- [doc] Add/tweak examples.
0.091 2019-05-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Add more example on date specification.
0.090 2019-05-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add option --reverse (-r).
- Allow --no-business & --no-business6 in addition to --business &
- [doc] Add more examples (infinite, -n, r, --business & --no-business).
0.08 2019-05-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] [bugfix] Set schema for result (in stream case) to avoid
JSON quotes being printed on each line.
- [ux] No need for CLI to read config/env.
0.07 2016-09-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Update to Data::Sah 0.76+ (add x.perl.coerce_to) since Data::Sah now
by default converts to Unix epoch.
- [ux] Add x.perl.coerce_rules for convenience, to be able to use
e.g. 'today' or 'in 3 days' for date.
0.06 2015-09-26 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Switch default format from '%Y-%m-%d' to '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
if there is hour/minute/second mentioned.
0.05 2015-09-25 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Rebuild with fixed Perinci::Sub::To::POD which skips showing non-Perl
examples in function documentation.
0.04 2015-09-25 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Adjust to Perinci::Sub::CoerceArgs 0.10+ (change coercion hint
0.03 2015-08-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec
0.02 2015-05-13 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- POD tweaks.
0.01 2015-05-13 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- First release.