0.005   2019-07-05  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Sort categories.

	- Adjust to Complete::Acme::MetaSyntactic 0.002 (renamed function).

0.004   2017-02-27  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- You can now use -lc to list all themes with their categories
	  (e.g. theme1/cat1, theme1/cat2, and so on).

0.003   2017-02-24  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- No functional changes.

	- Tweak Rinci function metadata: give maximum result lines for
	  example outputs.

0.002   2017-02-17  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- [ux] When a multilist theme is requested without category, list
	  all names from all categories instead of returning no names.

	- Use Perinci::CmdLine::Inline for less dependency.

0.001   2017-02-17  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - First release.