0.062 2020-03-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Support 2019 (PTKP & tax brackets unchanged from 2016-2018).
0.061 2019-02-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Support 2018 (PTKP and tax brackets unchanged from 2016 & 2017).
0.060 2017-12-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Support 2017 (PTKP and tax brackets unchanged from 2016).
0.05 2017-11-09 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Set pph21_op as second positional argument.
0.04 2017-05-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add function: calc_net_income_from_pph21_op.
- [ux] Show bracket rates as percent.
- [ux] Give more helpful message about unsupported year.
0.03 2017-02-09 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Update for tax year 2016.
0.02 2015-12-23 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [build] Rebuild with updated Perinci::To::Doc (0.73) which can render
example results with hash keys sorted according to 'table.fields', if
- [doc] Add some example for calc_pph21_op().
0.01 2015-12-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- First release.