package Data::Sah::Compiler::perl::TH::duration;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Log::Any '$log';

use Mo qw(build default);
use Role::Tiny::With;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed looks_like_number);

extends 'Data::Sah::Compiler::perl::TH';
with 'Data::Sah::Type::duration';

our $DATE = '2022-09-30'; # DATE
our $DIST = 'Data-Sah'; # DIST
our $VERSION = '0.913'; # VERSION

sub handle_type {
    my ($self, $cd) = @_;
    my $c  = $self->compiler;
    my $dt = $cd->{data_term};

    $cd->{coerce_to} = $cd->{nschema}[1]{"x.perl.coerce_to"} // 'float(secs)';

    my $coerce_to = $cd->{coerce_to};

    if ($coerce_to eq 'float(secs)') {
        $cd->{_ccl_check_type} = "!ref($dt) && $dt =~ /\\A[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?\\z/"; # XXX no support exp notation for yet?
    } elsif ($coerce_to eq 'DateTime::Duration') {
        $c->add_runtime_module($cd, 'Scalar::Util');
        $cd->{_ccl_check_type} = "Scalar::Util::blessed($dt) && $dt\->isa('DateTime::Duration')";
    } else {
        die "BUG: Unknown coerce_to value '$coerce_to', use either ".
            "float(secs) or DateTime::Duration";

sub superclause_comparable {
    my ($self, $which, $cd) = @_;
    my $c  = $self->compiler;
    my $cv = $cd->{cl_value};
    my $ct = $cd->{cl_term};
    my $dt = $cd->{data_term};

    if ($cd->{cl_is_expr}) {
        # i'm lazy, technical debt
        $c->_die($cd, "duration's comparison with expression not yet supported");

    my $coerce_to = $cd->{coerce_to};
    if ($coerce_to eq 'float(secs)') {
        if ($which eq 'is') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt == $ct"); # XXX yeah we're not supposed to use == with floats
        } elsif ($which eq 'in') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "List::Util::first(sub{$dt == \$_}, $ct)"); # XXX yeah we're not supposed to use == with floats
    } elsif ($coerce_to eq 'DateTime::Duration') {
        # we need to express this like this because if we just use the raw $cv
        # (dump) it will be unwieldy
        my $ect = join(
            "years => "  .$cv->years.",",
            "months => " .$cv->months.",",
            "weeks => "  .$cv->weeks.",",
            "days => "   .$cv->days.",",
            "hours => "  .$cv->hours.",",
            "minutes => ".$cv->minutes.",",
            "seconds => ".$cv->seconds.",",

        if ($which eq 'is') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime::Duration->compare($dt, $ect)==0");
        } elsif ($which eq 'in') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "List::Util::first(sub{DateTime::Duration->compare($dt, \$_)==0}, $ect)");

sub superclause_sortable {
    my ($self, $which, $cd) = @_;
    my $c  = $self->compiler;
    my $cv = $cd->{cl_value};
    my $ct = $cd->{cl_term};
    my $dt = $cd->{data_term};

    if ($cd->{cl_is_expr}) {
        # i'm lazy, technical debt
        $c->_die($cd, "duration's comparison with expression not yet supported");

    my $coerce_to = $cd->{coerce_to};
    if ($coerce_to eq 'float(secs)') {
        if ($which eq 'min') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt >= $cv");
        } elsif ($which eq 'xmin') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt > $cv");
        } elsif ($which eq 'max') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt <= $cv");
        } elsif ($which eq 'xmax') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt < $cv");
        } elsif ($which eq 'between') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt >= $cv->[0] && $dt <= $cv->[1]");
        } elsif ($which eq 'xbetween') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "$dt >  $cv->[0] && $dt <  $cv->[1]");
    } elsif ($coerce_to eq 'DateTime::Duration') {
        # we need to express this like this because if we just use the raw $cv
        # (dump) it will be unwieldy
        my ($ect, $ect0, $ect1);
        if (ref($cv) eq 'ARRAY') {
            $ect0 = join(
                "years => "  .$cv->[0]->years.",",
                "months => " .$cv->[0]->months.",",
                "weeks => "  .$cv->[0]->weeks.",",
                "days => "   .$cv->[0]->days.",",
                "hours => "  .$cv->[0]->hours.",",
                "minutes => ".$cv->[0]->minutes.",",
                "seconds => ".$cv->[0]->seconds.",",
            $ect1 = join(
                "years => "  .$cv->[1]->years.",",
                "months => " .$cv->[1]->months.",",
                "weeks => "  .$cv->[1]->weeks.",",
                "days => "   .$cv->[1]->days.",",
                "hours => "  .$cv->[1]->hours.",",
                "minutes => ".$cv->[1]->minutes.",",
                "seconds => ".$cv->[1]->seconds.",",
        } else {
            $ect = join(
                "years => "  .$cv->years.",",
                "months => " .$cv->months.",",
                "weeks => "  .$cv->weeks.",",
                "days => "   .$cv->days.",",
                "hours => "  .$cv->hours.",",
                "minutes => ".$cv->minutes.",",
                "seconds => ".$cv->seconds.",",

        if ($which eq 'min') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime->compare($dt, $ect) >= 0");
        } elsif ($which eq 'xmin') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime->compare($dt, $ect) > 0");
        } elsif ($which eq 'max') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime->compare($dt, $ect) <= 0");
        } elsif ($which eq 'xmax') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime->compare($dt, $ect) < 0");
        } elsif ($which eq 'between') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime->compare($dt, $ect0) >= 0 && DateTime->compare($dt, $ect1) <= 0");
        } elsif ($which eq 'xbetween') {
            $c->add_ccl($cd, "DateTime->compare($dt, $ect0) >  0 && DateTime->compare($dt, $ect1) <  0");

# ABSTRACT: perl's type handler for type "duration"



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Data::Sah::Compiler::perl::TH::duration - perl's type handler for type "duration"

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.913 of Data::Sah::Compiler::perl::TH::duration (from Perl distribution Data-Sah), released on 2022-09-30.


The C<duration> type in perl can be represented one of two choices: float
(secs), or L<DateTime::Duration> object.

=for Pod::Coverage ^(clause_.+|superclause_.+|handle_.+|before_.+|after_.+)$


Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can
simply modify the code, then test via:

 % prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your
system), you can install L<Dist::Zilla>,
L<Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR>, and sometimes one or two other
Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond
that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
