0.053 2022-09-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add perl coerce rule for duration: From_str::hms.
- [testing] Replace default JS engine from nodejs to JavaScript::QuickJS
to speed up tests. Not all tests use QuickJS yet though.
- [doc] Tweak error message.
0.052 2021-11-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] Allow access to %gen_coercer_args.
0.051 2021-10-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add date coerce rules:
0.050 2021-10-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Mention Data::Sah::CoerceCommon for details on coerce rules
0.049 2020-05-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [ux] Coerce num/float from percent string by default, e.g. 1% ->
0.01 (currently for perl only).
0.048 2020-05-21 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Also support arguments in coerce rule, like in Data::Sah::Filter.
0.047 2020-02-12 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [ux] Rename return_type values for clarity: status+val ->
bool_coerced+val, status+err+val -> bool_coerced+str_errmsg+val;
old values are still supported but deprecated and no longer
- [ux] Upon coercion failure, we return the original data where
appropriate instead of undef.
0.046 2020-01-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] Upgrade dependency Time::Local from TestRecommends to
RuntimeRequires [RT#131332].
0.045 2020-01-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Update coerce rule names in doc and precludes.
0.044 2020-01-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Require Time::Local 1.27 for time{gm,local}_modern [RT#131332].
0.043 2020-01-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Update coerce rule names in examples.
0.042 2020-01-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] To_{date,datenotime,datetime}::From_str::iso8601: Also
support dates before epoch 0 (year 1969) when coerce_to=float(epoch);
switch from Time::Local::time{gm,local} to time{gm,local}_modern.
0.041 2020-01-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] To_{date,datenotime,datetime}::From_str::iso8601:
Support dates before epoch (Jan 1, 1970) when
coerce_to=DateTime/Time::Moment (previously the coercion rule
always convert to epoch first).
0.040 2019-12-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add missing dependency: Time::Duration::Parse::AsHash
0.039 2019-11-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
0.038 2019-11-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] Didn't set the correct coerce rule module name for each
0.037 2019-11-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Rename coerce rule modules again, revert to using lower_case
notation for the description part, because CamelCase is really,
REALLY ugly when we have many words.
0.036 2019-11-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Restore backward compatibility by supporting old naming scheme to
avoid breaking too many scripts/schemas.
0.035 2019-11-27 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Merge releases 0.034.1 and 0.034.
- [build] Rebuild with dzil plugin [Data::Sah::Coerce] to put meta's
summary into Abstract.
0.034.1 2019-11-27 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Update 2019-11-27T17:22:00: rename from 0.034 to 0.034.1, cancel
release (duplicate version).
- New naming scheme for coerce rule modules:
This makes the name significantly clearer. Metadata version is not
This means the old name is not searched anymore. Any Sah schema that
contains coercion rules must be updated so it refers to the new
module. Any Sah coercion module with the new name must be renamed to
the new one.
UPDATE 2019-11-28: old name is now still searched and accepted since
- Add summary to meta. This makes it easier for script like
'list-sah-coerce-rule-modules` to display summary for each rule.
0.034 2019-10-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add $DIST to all modules.
0.033 2019-01-26 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] date coercion rule float_epoch_always doesn't need to
preclude str_iso8601 because they won't be confused: str_iso8601
matches YYYY-MM-DD and not YYYYMMDD.
0.032 2019-01-21 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Maintain a static list of default coercion modules instead of finding
& loading all Data::Sah::Coerce::* modules on the system. The
motivation for this change is performance, simplicity, as well as
reduction of test warnings from CPAN Testers. Typically, a CPAN Tester
would have tested an old version of a coercion rule distribution, say
Data-Sah-Coerce-perl-date-str_alami and then later tests another
module. Data::Sah::Coerce would then warn when it cannot load the old
coercion rule module because the metadata version has been bumped.
With this change, the list of default coercion rules is maintained in
%Default_Rules in Data::Sah::Coerce instead of loading all coercion
rule modules and trying to read its 'enable_by_default' meta property.
- [Removed] Remove the ability to specify regexes in coerce_rules
because it is never used in practice, so far. The use of regexes also
requires us to find list of modules anyway.
- [Incompatible change] Bump metadata version to 4, just to remove
'enable_by_default' property. Data::Sah::Coerce still accepts old
metadata version (3) but ignores the property.
0.031 2018-12-16 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- timeofday: Tweak str_hms regex: allow hh:mm in addition to hh:mm:ss
(e.g.: 11:00 instead of 11:00:00), allow h:m(:s)? in addition to
hh:mm(:ss)? (e.g.: 1:15 instead of 01:15).
0.030 2018-12-16 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] Default coerce_to for timeofday in perl should be
str_hms, not float.
0.029 2018-12-16 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add standard coercion rules for timeofday.
0.028 2018-12-15 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add standard coercion rules for datenotime and datetime types.
0.027 2018-10-30 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add coercion rule: perl::date::float_epoch_always.
0.026 2018-06-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] Multiple exclusion (e.g. ["!R1","!R2"]) did not work as
- [Bugfix] Didn't sort rules by name.
0.025 2018-06-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Bump coerce module's metadata version from 2 to 3. This is to allow
the coercer code to return error message (when coercion fails) in
addition to coerced data. The metadata property 'might_die' is now
replaced by 'might_fail'. The coercer code is not expected to die,
unless there's an extraordinary situation in which case the whole
coercer code or schema validator code which uses the coercer code will
die anyway. Instead, when 'might_fail' is set to true, the coercer
code is expected to return an array containing (error_message,
coerced_data) instead of just coerced_data. When coercion succeeds,
error_message should be set to undef and when coercion fails,
error_message is set to a string detailing why coercion fails, and
coerced_data is set to undef.
0.024 2018-03-27 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Allow space in addition to 'T' as date and time separator, so we
can accept MySQL datetime format.
0.023 2017-07-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Forgot to replace mention of Log::Any with Log::ger in the
0.022 2017-07-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Replace Log::Any with Log::ger.
0.021 2017-03-14 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add coerce rules: {int,float}::str_percent.
0.020 2016-09-29 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [build] Rebuild to remove dependencies on
Data::Sah::Compiler::perl::TH::* (which was accidentally added by a
dzil plugin). [RT#118115]
0.019 2016-09-26 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Revert from using JSON::MaybeXS to JSON because JSON::MaybeXS is
currently not depakable (hard dependency to XS module
0.018 2016-06-29 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Include nanoseconds when coercing from DateTime::Duration object
to float(secs).
0.017 2016-06-13 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Load required modules in the generated code, not in
0.016 2016-06-12 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Tweak js-bool test to be more flexible of JSON decode result.
- Adjust to IPC::System::Options 0.27+ (backtick() renamed to
- [doc] Wording/typo/fmt.
0.015 2016-06-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Use IPC::System::Options 0.25's backtick() to properly
shell-quote on win32.
- [doc] Mention App::SahUtils & coerce-with-sah.
0.014 2016-05-27 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Impart default coerce_to knowledge to each rule, for convenience.
0.013 2016-05-25 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [test] Forgot to add test_needs(Time::Duration::Parse::AsHash) to
some tests [CT].
0.012 2016-05-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] Precludes should be checked to all rules, not just rules
after the precluding rule.
0.011 2016-05-23 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Incompatible change] Replace 'dont_coerce_from' and 'coerce_from'
options to 'coerce_rules' which are more flexible.
- Interpret rule metadata property 'precludes'.
- [test] Forgot to add test_needs() to a subtest [CT].
0.010 2016-05-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Introduce rule metadata: v & precludes.
- [Incompatible change] Bump metadata version from 1 -> 2 to exclude old
rule modules (i.e. date::int_epoch from 0.005, which generate
CPANTesters failures).
- [Internal] Refactor routine: get_coerce_rules() to avoid code
duplication between Data::Sah::Coerce and Data::Sah::CoerceJS (and
0.009 2016-05-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Incompatible change] Replace return_type=bool+val with str+val.
0.008 2016-05-21 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [test] Skip js tests when node.js is not available [CT].
0.007 2016-05-20 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add option: return_type. The default is 'val' which is the same as
before, but another return type 'bool+val' makes the coercer return a
2-element array instead: the first element is a bool value indicating
whether value has been coerced, and the second is the Released-By: possibly
coerced value. This is useful e.g. for testing/debugging.
0.006 2016-05-19 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Rename js rules: date::int_epoch -> date::float_epoch. Rename perl
rules: date::int_epoch -> date::float_epoch. This means when
upgrading, you must first uninstall the old version to remove the old
module names. Sorry for this.
- Introduce ordering ('prio' key in rule metadata). prio is a number
between 0-100 and the lower the number, the higher the priority is.
Rules will be sorted using their priority.
- Add coercion rules for type 'bool'.
- Complete the rest of the test suite (js compiler, duration and bool
0.005 2016-05-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Add test suite (so far only for compiler=perl, type=date).
0.004 2016-05-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- js: Add coercion rule for duration from float/float-string.
0.003 2016-05-17 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add coercion rules for type 'duration'.
0.002 2016-05-17 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add js rules for type 'date'.
- Introduce rule metadata 'might_die'.
- Add module: Data::Sah::CoerceJS.
- perl: Tweak error messages to make it more helpfule.
- Documentationf fixes and addition.
0.001 2016-05-16 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- First release, incomplete (no JS implementation & test suite yet).