Data::Sah::Resolve - Resolve Sah schema


This document describes version 0.009 of Data::Sah::Resolve (from Perl distribution Data-Sah-Resolve), released on 2021-07-27.


use Data::Sah::Resolve qw(resolve_schema);

my $sch = resolve_schema("int");
# => ["int", []]

my $sch = resolve_schema("posint*");
# => ["int", [{min=>1}, {req=>1}]

my $sch = resolve_schema([posint => div_by => 3]);
# => ["int", {min=>1}, {div_by=>3}]

my $sch = resolve_schema(["posint", "merge.delete.min"=>undef, div_by => 3]);
# => ["int", {div_by=>3}]



resolve_schema([ \%opts, ] $sch) => sch

Sah schemas can be defined in terms of other schemas. The resolving process follows the base schema recursively until it finds a builtin type as the base.

This routine performs the following steps:

1. Normalize the schema

Unless schema_is_normalized option is true, in which case schema is assumed to be normalized already.

2. Check if the schema's type is a builtin type

Currently this is done by checking if the module of the name Data::Sah::Type::<type> is loadable. If it is a builtin type then we are done.

3. Check if the schema's type is the name of another schema

This is done by checking if Sah::Schema::<name> module exists and is loadable. If this is the case then we retrieve the base schema from the $schema variable in the Sah::Schema::<name> package and repeat the process while accumulating and/or merging the clause sets.

4. If schema's type is neither, we die.

Returns [$base_type, \@clause_sets, \%additional].

Example 1: int.

First we normalize to ["int",{}]. The type is int and it is a builtin type (Data::Sah::Type::int exists) so the final result is ["int", []].

Example 2: posint*.

First we normalize to ["posint",{req=>1}]. The type is posint and it is the name of another schema (Sah::Schema::posint). We retrieve the posint schema which is ["int", {summary=>"Positive integer (1,2,3,...)", min=>1}]. We now try to resolve int and find that it's a builtin type. So the final result is: ["int", [ {req=>1}, {summary=>"Positive integer (1,2,3,...)", min=>1} ], {}].

Known options:

  • schema_is_normalized => bool (default: 0)

    When set to true, function will skip normalizing schema and assume input schema is normalized.

  • merge_clause_sets => bool (default: 1)

Additional data returned (in the third element's hash keys):

  • intermediates

    This is an arrayref of intermediate schema names, from the shallowest to the deepest. The first element of this arrayref is the original unresolved schema's type, then the second is the base schema of the original schema, and so on.


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When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Sah, Data::Sah


perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2017, 2016 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.