0.15 2017-07-10 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Replace Log::Any with Log::ger.
0.14 2017-04-25 (PERLANCAR)
- Add pattern: p_dateym.
0.13 2016-06-30 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [build] Forgot to exclude nytprof* files/dirs from the build.
0.12 2016-06-30 (PERLANCAR)
- Improve compliance with DateTime::Format API: allow calling
parse_datetime() and parse_datetime_duration() as static method, and
die on parse failure.
- Bump minimum required perl 5.14 because it fails on 5.10 (out of
memory) and 5.12 due to use of (?{ ... }) code blocks inside regex
which is only safe on 5.14+ [CT].
- EN: Support cardinal suffix e.g. 'June 23rd'
- EN: p_dur_later: recognize 'in <dur>' e.g. 'in 2h'.
- Add patterns: p_which_dow (e.g. "this monday", "last sat").
- [Bugfix] Fix when to apply /o modifier so it does not clobber between
subclasses (this bug manifested itself when we instantiate both DFA:EN
and DFA:ID and tries to parse with both; the first subclass wins).
- [doc] Mention and compare with DateTime::Format::Flexible.
- [Internal] Rename _time_zone attribute to time_zone (but the old name
is currently still supported).
0.11 2016-06-29 (PERLANCAR)
- Support parsing duration.
- Allow comma in duration expression, e.g. "2 hours, 3 minutes" in
addition to "2 hours 3 minutes".
0.10 2016-06-28 (PERLANCAR)
- Add patterns: p_time (e.g. "10pm", "at 10:00"), p_date_time (e.g.
"yesterday at 10pm").
- [Internal] Generate recursive regex to be able to use another p_*
pattern inside p_* pattern. For example, see p_date_time.
- [Bugfix] Ordering of p_* patterns in the final pattern should use
topological sorting.
0.09 2016-05-05 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Bump prereq Parse::Number::ID to 0.06 [RT#114165].
0.08 2016-05-04 (PERLANCAR)
- [Bugfix] Fix ordering of set_month() and set_day(), e.g. when day
is 30 we cannot set month to February [RT#114108].
- [Test] Enable testing of H:M:D being truncated to 0 when unnecessary.
0.07 2016-04-13 (PERLANCAR)
- Add options: time_zone, format, returns (like in Date::Extract). Now
this module can return DateTime object as well as verbatim/original
text or epoch, and can return additional information (like position of
match, name of pattern that matches, etc).
- [Bugfix] Properly truncate DateTime to day (i.e. truncate
hour/minute/second to 0) when time of day is not needed.
- Recognize 2-digit year.
- Add more sanity checks.
- [doc] Mention more related modules.
0.06 2016-04-06 (PERLANCAR)
- Use /x and /i for the whole regex, fixes/updates (a_tomorrow()
was missing), add test suite.
0.05 2014-10-03 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Some POD rewording.
0.04 2014-10-03 (PERLANCAR)
- Use /o modifier for faster speed.
- Rebuild using updated modules to create more compact $RE & $MAPS.
0.03 2014-10-03 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [build] Forgot to precompute $MAPS.
0.02 2014-10-03 (PERLANCAR)
- Add FAQ item about the name.
- Add pattern: date_wo_year (date without year), e.g. May 28, 5/28.
0.01 2014-10-02 (PERLANCAR)
- First release.