0.070 2022-08-21 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add option 'detail' to list_dists().
- [doc] Mention Dist::Util::Current.
- Remove requirement of perl version.
0.06 2014-12-26 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Note about the fact that many linux distros strip .packlist
- Move bin/packlist-for to App-DistUtils.
0.05 2014-12-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Rename dist from SHARYANTO-Dist-Util to Dist-Util.
- Add function: list_dists().
0.04 2014-11-20 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Accept Foo-Bar as well as Foo::Bar.
0.03 2014-07-02 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes.
- [Bugfix] scripts/ or bin/ files need to have something like #!perl and
not #!/usr/bin/env perl so it can be replaced to the path of perl when
installing [RT#96884]
0.02 2014-04-11 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add command-line script: packlist-for.
- Add function: list_dist_modules().
0.01 2014-04-05 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- First release.