0.005   2017-06-09 (PERLANCAR)

	- Replace api.metacpan.org URL because MetaCPAN v0 API has been
	  shut down.

	- [doc] Fix Synopsis [RT#122009].

0.004   2016-07-16 (PERLANCAR)

        - [Removed] Remove check_exists configuration.

        - Allow alternate location of image using this syntax: #IMAGE

0.003   2016-07-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add configuration: check_exists, change default to not check that
	  file exists.

0.002   2016-07-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Implement hosting=data.

	- Add configuration: {include,exclude}_{files,file_pattern}.

0.001   2016-07-13 (PERLANCAR)

         - First release.