0.594   2019-01-06 (PERLANCAR)

	- Also blacklist my retired modules.

0.593   2018-06-26 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: CheckSelfDependency.

0.592   2018-01-24 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add prereq to Perl::Critic::PolicyBundle::PERLANCAR for

0.591   2018-01-10 (PERLANCAR)

	- Switch from using DZP:Acme::CPANLists::Blacklist to

0.590   2017-08-01 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: DZP:Test::Perl::Critic.

0.58    2017-07-08 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add some documentation.

	- Add [StaticInstall].

0.57    2017-07-07 (PERLANCAR)

        - Add script/ as an exec dir using DZP:ExecDir.

        - [dist] Enable static install.

0.56    2017-07-07 (PERLANCAR)

        - Remove GenShellCompletion because it is incompatible with
          DZP:StaticInstall. Instead of running shcompgen in Makefile let's
          later hook into the CPAN installer client for this.

        - replace ReadmeFromPod with Pod2Readme that is compatible with

0.55    2017-02-09 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: CopyrightYearFromGit.

0.54    2016-12-28 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: PERLANCAR::BeforeBuild to e.g. make sure that
          CPAN::Meta::Prereqs is recent enough (>= 2.150006).

0.53    2016-09-29 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Prereqs::CheckCircular.

0.52    2016-07-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Replace UploadToCPAN with UploadToCPAN::WWWPAUSESimple.

0.51    2016-06-30 (PERLANCAR)

	- Prune Devel::NYTProf-generated files.

0.50    2016-04-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: IfBuilt.

0.49    2016-04-07 (PERLANCAR)

	- [dist] Pull these modules for convenience: Test::Pod,
	  Test::Pod::Coverage, Pod::Coverage::TrustPod.

0.48    2016-03-16 (PERLANCAR)

	- Remove plugin: PERLANCAR::CheckDepDists because it slows down

0.47    2016-02-20 (PERLANCAR)

	- Update blacklist name.

0.46    2016-01-19 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Prereqs::EnsureVersion.

0.45    2015-12-01 (PERLANCAR)

	- Remove DZB:Author::PERLANCAR::NoRinci (no longer needed).

0.44    2015-12-01 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Rinci::AddToDb.

0.43    2015-10-22 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Acme::CPANLists::Blacklist with my configuration.

0.42    2015-09-11 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: PERLANCAR::EnsurePrereqToSpec.

0.41    2015-07-22 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add DZB:Author::Perlancar::NoRinci.

0.40    2015-07-10 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Authority.

0.39    2015-07-01 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: OurDist.

0.38    2015-05-16 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: PERLANCAR::CheckDepDists.

0.37    2015-04-22 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: EnsureSQLSchemaVersionedTest.

0.36    2015-04-21 (PERLANCAR)

        - Remove plugin: PERLANCAR::GenTodoMd.

0.35    2015-03-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Increase minimum version for

0.34    2015-03-08 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Rinci::AddPrereqs.

0.33    2015-01-03 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: PERLANCAR::GenTodoMd.

0.32    2014-12-14 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Derp, typo.

0.31    2014-12-14 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugins: PodnameFromFilename, Rinci::AbstractFromName.

0.30    2014-12-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

        - [Bugfix] [dzil] Forgot to update deps.

0.29    2014-12-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Replace plugin Rinci::InstallCompletion with GenShellCompletion.

0.28    2014-11-08 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add plugin: Rinci::InstallCompletion (as well as

0.27     2014-08-16 (PERLANCAR)

         - Rename dist.

0.26     2014-08-16 (SHARYANTO) - Happy 19th CPAN Day!

         - Add plugin: SetScriptShebang.

0.25     2014-04-16 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add plugin: OurDate.

0.24     2014-04-09 (SHARYANTO)

         - Remove the Run hooks (to install latest plugins & archive release)
           and move them to my release-perl-dist script, to make it easier for
           other people to build & release.

0.23     2014-04-05 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add PruneFiles to prune backup files (currently only /~$/). Editor
           (emacs) temporary files (#foo#) is not removed deliberately to fail
           the build process if they still exist.

0.22     2014-04-01 (SHARYANTO)

         - Replace OurPkgVersion plugin with SHARYANTO::OurPkgVersion.

0.21     2014-01-21 (SHARYANTO)

         - Fix run command (second '%s' is not filled by Run).

         - Depend on OrePAN for convenience, because my various internal
           Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Project-* bundles (which are based on this
           bundle) uses OrePAN to inject the tarball to various DarkPANs.

0.20     2014-01-09 (SHARYANTO)

         - Do not install release when INSTALL=0.

0.19     2013-12-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - Fix logic bug.

0.18     2013-12-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - Allow skipping updating plugin bundle by setting OFFLINE=1.

0.17     2013-11-13 (SHARYANTO)

         - Remove MetaConfig::PodWeaver, pod weaver plugins config will be in
           next release of PW.

0.16     2013-11-12 (SHARYANTO)

         - Replace LogBuild with the more proper MetaConfig &

0.15     2013-11-12 (SHARYANTO)

         - non-CPAN dists should still produce META.{json,yml}.

0.14     2013-11-12 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add plugin: LogBuild.

0.13     2013-11-08 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add a BeforeBuild run to (re)install
           Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::SHARYANTO and
           Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::SHARYANTO, to help make sure we
           have the latest plugins.

0.12     2013-11-05 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add plugins: Author::SHARYANTO::MetaResources & CheckMetaResources.

0.11     2013-10-22 (SHARYANTO)

         - Rename ::Private to ::NonCPAN.

0.10     2013-10-19 (SHARYANTO)

         - Rename dist from Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-SHARYANTO to

0.09     2013-09-21 (SHARYANTO)

         - Work around problem of hanging (sometimes) on Windows [GH #1].
           Thanks, chorny.

0.08     2013-09-09 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Rebuild with MakeMaker instead of
           Module::Build because the latter is deprecated from core since 5.19.

0.07     2013-09-09 (SHARYANTO)

         - Switch (back) from ModuleBuild to MakeMaker. Don't remember why I
           switched to ModuleBuild in the first place, but now Module::Build
           adds deprecate notice for Perl 5.18+.

0.06     2013-01-31 (SHARYANTO)

         - Skip creating META.{yml,json} for private dists.

0.05     2012-11-06 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add plugin: DZP::Rinci::Validate

0.04     2012-10-31 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add plugin: DZP::Test::Rinci

         - Drop dependency on Pod::Weaver::Section::Changes (I'm no longer using

0.03     2012-08-08 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add req: DZP::Extras

0.02     2012-07-11 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add bundle: SHARYANTO::Private, SHARYANTO::Task::Private.

0.01     2012-04-04 (SHARYANTO)

         - First release.