0.003 2018-06-19 (PERLANCAR)
- Change function name from convert_fiat_currency to get_spot_rate().
- Add function get_all_spot_rates() to return all rates from a source.
- Add source 'bi' (Bank of Indonesia).
- Modularize each source into a separate Perl module.
- Record 'mtime' (last update time) from source.
- Add option to return highest/lowest rate (of all sources), rate from
newest/oldest source, average of all sources.
- Bump database schema version: add 'id' and 'mtime' columns to the rate
table, change 'time' column to 'query_time'.
0.002 2018-05-10 (PERLANCAR)
- [Bugfix] Fix SQL that caused us to always query from remote
- Update DB schema: rename column currency1 -> from_currency,
currency2 -> to_currency.
- [test] Use MySQL for schema migration test because SQLite doesn't
support column renames/changes.
0.001 2018-05-09 (PERLANCAR)
- First release.