Revision history for Lingua-ID-Number-Format-MixWithWords

0.07    2016-06-14 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [dist] Replace Exporter::Lite with Exporter.

0.06    2015-09-03 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
	  DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec

0.05     2013-09-09 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Rebuild with MakeMaker instead of
           Module::Build because the latter is deprecated from core in 5.19.

0.04    2012-03-23 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes. Remove dependency to old module Sub::Spec.

0.03    2011-09-21 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes. Add alias package MixWithWords::ID.

0.02    2011-09-16 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes. Adjust for new Lingua::Base::NFW.

0.01    2011-09-15 (SHARYANTO)

        - First release.