0.005   2020-03-09  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Adjust to Log::ger 0.034 (add meta(), renamed routine names in

0.004   2017-08-03  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Use Log::Any::Level::Like::LogAny.

0.003   2017-07-12  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - [Bugfix] By default set the LogAny plugin to apply to the log object
          only to avoid disrupting other targets.

        - [ux] Provide convenience by making Log::Any->get_logger work.

0.002   2017-07-11  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Support multiple argument in $log->warn("a", "b", ...).

0.001   2017-06-24  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - First release.