Revision history for Number-Closest-NonOO
0.06 2015-09-03 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Rebuild to fix POD generation (remove needless '{en_US ...}'
0.05 2015-09-03 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec
0.04 2015-09-03 (PERLANCAR)
- Consistent ordering [problem reported by Gene Sullivan].
0.03 2013-04-12 (SHARYANTO)
- Change default to inf=nothing. Allow inf=number to work when target
number is not infinite.
0.02 2013-04-12 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Tweak POD & Rinci metadata.
0.01 2013-04-12 (SHARYANTO)
- First version.