0.601   2023-02-12  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

        - No functional changes.

        - [doc] Fix example result in Synopsis (RT#146402) (Thanks R Philley).

0.60    2014-12-05  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - Rename module/dist from SHARYANTO-Number-Util to Number-Format-Metric.

0.59    2014-05-05  Released-By: SHARYANTO

        - No functional changes.

        - Fix setlocale invocation in test, derp.

0.58    2014-05-01  Released-By: SHARYANTO

        - No functional changes.

        - Try to set locale earlier and with POSIX::setlocale to avoid failure
          reports [CT#94487].

0.57    2014-04-07  Released-By: SHARYANTO

        - No functional changes.

        - Fix some broken tests by changing LANG to LC_ALL [thanks Slaven
          Rezic, CT#94487].

0.56    2013-09-10  Released-By: SHARYANTO

        - No functional changes. Split from SHARYANTO-Utils to minimize
          dependencies (I'm trying to make Text::ANSITable work under Windows).