0.081   2019-08-15  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

	- No functional changes.

	- [doc][ux] Add importing examples in Synopsis.

0.080   2019-08-15  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium


        - To be less invasive and more generally usable, wrapping now defaults
	  to off unless required, e.g. user specifies other options that require
	  wrapping e.g. 'retry', 'args_as', 'convert', etc.


	- Make Perinci::Exporter's startup lighter: no strict, warnings, use
          5.010. It is now more closer to Exporter.pm and Exporter::Rinci in
          startup overhead.

        - Reduce the number of dependencies. Make Perinci::Sub::Wrapper and
          Perinci::Sub::Property::* optional dependencies, since we now change
          default wrap=0. Inline routines from Package::MoreUtil.


        - Mention Exporter::Rinci.

0.07    2015-09-29  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Add Perinci::Examples::Export.

	- [Incompatible change] Change 'default' tag to 'export:default' tag to
          be more specific.

        - Introduce 'export:never' tag as a way to never export a function.

        - When user imports with tag 'foo', will match function tag 'foo' as
          well as 'export:foo'.

        - Remove the use of smartmatch/experimental.pm to reduce deps.

0.06    2015-09-03  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- No functional changes.

	- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
	  DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec

	- [dzil] Update syntax of lint-prereqs directive (-> lint_prereqs)
	  to be more IOD-compliant.

	- Use good ol' ref() again instead of Scalar::Util::reftype(),
	  because I'm no longer blessing Perinci::Sub::Wrapper-wrapped

0.05    2014-12-05  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- No functional changes.

	- Use the new renamed module SHARYANTO::Package::Util ->

0.04     2014-03-07  Released-By: SHARYANTO

         - No functional changes. Update to Perinci::Sub::Wrapper 0.51.

0.03     2013-08-12  Released-By: SHARYANTO

         - No functional changes. Update to no longer using
           Perinci::Util::get_package_meta_accessor (removed).

0.02     2012-08-10  Released-By: SHARYANTO

         - No functional changes. Update dependencies.

0.01     2012-08-02  Released-By: SHARYANTO

         - First release.