Revision history for Perinci-Sub-ConvertArgs-Argv
0.10 2016-12-12 (PERLANCAR)
- Convert hash-of-simple argument into --name k1=v1 --name k2=v2
0.09 2016-09-25 (PERLANCAR)
- Revert from using JSON::MaybeXS to JSON because JSON::MaybeXS is
currently not depakable (hard dependency to XS module
0.08 2016-03-16 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- Replace JSON with JSON::MaybeXS.
0.07 2015-12-17 (PERLANCAR)
- Handle positional arguments that are also greedy.
0.06 2015-12-17 (PERLANCAR)
- Encode argument that is array of simple types using repeated form
(--foo one --foo two) or comma-separated (--foo 1,2,3) when
possible instead of the less-readable json form (--foo-json
'["one","two"]' or --foo-json '[1,2,3]').
0.05 2015-09-03 (PERLANCAR)
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec
0.04 2014-07-18 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes.
- Remove unused prereq (Log::Any).
0.03 2013-11-12 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Rebuild to fix t/00-compile.t generated by
older DZP::Test::Compile (2.019 < x < 2.033).
0.02 2013-11-12 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Rebuild to fix t/00-compile.t generated by
older DZP::Test::Compile (2.019 < x < 2.033).
0.01 2013-09-25 (SHARYANTO)
- First release.