0.589 2022-11-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] Forgot to generate 'query_boolean' argument.
0.588 2022-11-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium; Backward-Incompatible: yes
- [incompatible change] Change generated 'query' (str) argument to
'queries' (array of str) argument to allow for multiple queries
as well as negative searching.
0.587 2021-07-29 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Update to Data::Sah::Resolve 0.010.
0.586 2020-10-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add option: case_insensitive_comparison.
0.585 2020-10-07 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Also use Data::Sah::Resolve in filters. Data::Sah::Resolve has been
used in determining what argument specification to produce for each
table field. But when parsing query, Data::Sah::Resolve has not been
used in interpreting the arguments properly, so table field with
schema like "uint" (instead of just "int") do not get filtered even
though the associated argument has been passed. This release fixes
0.584 2020-10-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Use Data::Sah::Resolve. This allows us to produce, e.g. --foo-min &
--foo-max options for 'uint' fields instead of just 'int' fields.
0.583 2020-02-23 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] Fix previous commit.
0.582 2020-01-03 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Generate exclude_fields argument.
0.581 2019-09-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- Add option: extra_props.
0.580 2018-09-07 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Mention Perinci::Sub::Gen::AccessTable::Simple.
0.57 2017-07-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] Remove debugging statement.
0.56 2017-07-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Replace Log::Any with Log::ger.
0.55 2016-02-13 Released-By: PERLANCAR
[Incompatible changes]
- Make the generated 'sort' argument as array of str instead of str, so
we can add an 'in' schema clause to each str and helps tab completion
complete each sort field.
0.54 2015-09-04 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [dist] Move spec prereqs from RuntimeRequires to
DevelopRecommends to reduce deps but still allow indicating spec
0.53 2015-08-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Switch from Log::Any to Log::Any::IfLOG.
0.52 2015-07-15 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add x.dynamic_generator_modules to generated function metadata.
0.51 2015-07-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Tweak schema for --field (add in clause) so completion works.
0.50 2015-07-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Re-upload.
0.49 2015-07-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Support Time::Moment (and use it by default).
0.48 2015-04-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Use singular form of --fields (--field) when user specifies
a string.
0.47 2015-04-22 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [ux] Add 'pos=0' property for query.
- [Bugfix] Forgot to adjust hash key name for query.
0.46 2015-04-21 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Add some *_aliases args to gen_read_table_func() to set
cmdline_aliases for generated args like detail, with_field_names, etc.
- [ux] Give default alias -l for --detail.
- [Incompatible Change] Rename --q to --query but give -q as cmdline
0.45 2015-04-09 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Don't give default to schema when default is undef.
0.44 2015-02-18 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Use Data::Sah::Normalize instead of Data::Sah when just for
normalizing schemas.
0.43 2015-01-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Adjust to Data::Sah 0.37 (Data::Sah::Util::Type module renamed to
0.42 2014-12-10 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- Use new name of renamed/split module SHARYANTO::Locale::Util ->
0.41 2014-09-17 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] did not use SHARYANTO::Locale::Util's setlocale().
- [Build] Add missing dependency to
0.40 2014-07-22 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes.
- Skip including prereqs for examples/* to reduce size of dependencies.
0.39 2014-06-29 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Implement TableDef 1.0.4's include_by_default by introducing
'with.FIELD' arguments.
0.38 2014-05-06 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add option: extra_args.
- Add options to disable some aspects:
0.37 2014-04-25 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Support 'date' type.
0.36 2014-04-10 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes.
- Replace Data::Clone with Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP.
0.35 2014-04-02 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No longer add table description to function's description. Instead,
generated help/documentation on table structure will be produced by
Perinci::CmdLine's help hooks or corresponding Perinci::To::Doc's
hook. See Perinci::Sub::Property::result::table.
0.34 2014-03-29 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Bugfix: 'table.fields' result metadata had an extra array level.
0.33 2014-03-28 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Generate result/table property in function metadata.
- Replace 'result_format_options' with 'table.fields' in result
0.32 2014-03-27 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Now follow SHARYANTO::TableSpec 1.0.1 specification. Note that the
'index' property in field specification is now renamed to 'pos' in
the TableSpec spec, but this module will support both for some time.
0.31 2014-03-27 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes.
- Rebuild to fix POD.
0.30 2014-01-09 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Use SHARYANTO::Locale::Util instead of POSIX.
0.29 2013-12-13 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Use Locale::TextDomain::UTF8.
0.28 2013-12-12 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Switch from Locale::Maketext to Locale::TextDomain.
0.27 2013-10-26 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Generate 'FIELD.isnt' arguments.
0.26 2013-10-05 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add formatting hints for bools.
- Order result fields by their index in spec.
0.25 2013-10-05 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Hook can abort function by returning an error response.
0.24 2013-10-03 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. A couple of fixes.
0.23 2013-09-12 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Generated function will add result_format_options result metadata to
hint order of columns.
0.22 2013-09-12 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add hook: before_return.
- Update examples.
0.21 2013-09-11 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Forgot to silence smartmatch again warnings
after 'use warnings'" [CT].
0.20 2013-08-07 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add F.in and F.not_in filtering arguments for each field.
- Add 'use experimental smartmatch' for 5.18+.
0.19 2013-07-05 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Do not produce circular references between 'FIELD' and 'FIELD.is'
arguments. This prevents Riap clients from fetching the generated
function's metadata.
0.18 2013-07-04 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add hooks to allow generated function to execute other stuffs.
0.17 2012-11-02 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Slightly reduce startup overhead by not using
Perinci::Exporter and delay loading modules.
- No longer uses Perinci::Exporter (I'm personally deprecating the use
of that module).
0.16 2012-08-10 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. To avoid circular dependency, split
Perinci::Sub::Gen::common into its own dist and rename it to
0.15 2012-08-04 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Previous fix didn't work.
0.14 2012-08-03 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Fix finding caller if function is wrapped (since we use
0.13 2012-07-11 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Now argument 'name' is required.
- Add arguments 'name', 'package', and 'install'. Now installs
generated function for you by default.
0.12 2012-06-04 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Add arguments 'summary' and 'description' to pass to generated
0.11 2012-06-04 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Make terminology consistent (column -> field, row -> record). This
means table spec's 'columns' is now 'fields'. Subroutine table data
is expected to return 'fields_selected' instead of
'columns_selected'. Sorry for this.
0.10 2012-03-23 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Fix --detail
- --fields now does not automatically enables --with-field-names
0.09 2012-03-22 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Remove 'default_filters' which exposed internal filter structure,
replace it with 'default_arg_values' instead.
- Add 'custom_filters'.
0.08 2012-03-22 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Fixes for English translation.
- build: Tweak dependency.
0.07 2012-03-22 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Rename distribution from Sub-Spec-Gen-ReadTable to
- Syntax of filter arguments become "FIELD.min", "FIELD.max", etc
instead of the old "min_FIELD", "max_FIELD", etc. This results in
fewer clashes with other arguments.
- Rename some arguments: show_field_names -> with_field_names.
- Rename some filter arguments, for consistency: contain -> contains,
not -> isnt, match -> matches, lack -> lacks.
- Translation.
- Add some filter arguments: xmin, xmax.
0.06 2012-01-20 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Mark deprecation.
0.05 2011-11-23 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Replace Data::Sah::Util with Data::Sah.
0.04 2011-10-19 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- 'table_data' function is now expected to return {data=>DATA, ...}
instead of just DATA. This is to allow function to return data that
is already filtered (by passing filtered=>1), and/or sorted
(sorted=>1), and/or paged (paged=>1) for efficiency.
0.03 2011-08-31 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- No functional changes. Updated because _parse_schema() is moved from
Sub::Spec::Utils to Data::Sah::Util.
0.02 2011-06-13 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- Generated function can search array fields.
- Column specification clause: column_searchable (default 1) which can
be set to false to exclude column from searching.
- Provide search data (search_fields, search_re) in query.
0.01 2011-06-13 Released-By: SHARYANTO
- First release.