0.104   2021-04-26  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: low

        - No functional changes.

	- [dist] Test removing optional prereq Text::Table::Tiny to see its
	  effect on MetaCPAN, because MetaCPAN still lists Text::Table::Any
	  in Text::Table::Tiny's reverse dependencies, but it does not list
	  Text::Table::Any in the revdeps of other optional prereqs (other

0.103   2021-04-25  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Support backend Text::Table::TickitWidget.

0.102   2021-03-03  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Change default backend from Text::Table::Tiny to

0.101   2021-02-20  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Add options: separate_rows.

	- Rename Text::Table::Span to Text::Table::More.

0.100   2021-02-16  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Add backend: Text::UnicodeBox::Table.

0.099   2021-02-16  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Add backends: Text::Table::Manifold, Text::Table::Span,

	- [doc] Mention Acme::CPANModules::TextTable instead of the old

0.098   2021-02-01  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Update Text::ANSITable's border style name (Text::ANSITable

0.097   2020-06-11  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Add backend: Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle.

0.096   2019-11-29  Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium

	- Text::Table::CSV (0.022) now (re-)observes header_row=0.

0.095   2019-02-17  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Add backend: Term::TablePrint.

	- Text::Table::CSV & Text::Table::TSV does not observe header_row.

0.094   2019-01-11  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Add @BACKENDS and backends() to let users get the list of
	  supported backends.

0.093   2018-09-23  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Add backend: Text::Table::XLSX.

0.092   2018-07-23  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Add backend: Text::Table::ASV.

0.091   2018-07-02  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- [Incompatible change] Change header_row default from 0 to 1.

0.090   2018-06-30  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Add new backends: Text::Table::{TSV,LTSV}.

	- CSV backend: pass header_row option (Text::Table::CSV 0.020+).

0.08    2017-01-01  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - Add backend: Text::Table::Paragraph.

0.07    2016-12-31  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- No functional changes.

	- [doc] Forgot to mention about the new backends in the POD.

0.06    2016-12-29  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Recognize new backends: Text::Table::HTML,

0.05    2016-10-19  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- Support new backends: Text::Table::Tiny{Color,ColorWide,Wide}.

0.04    2016-09-06  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- No functional changes.

        - [doc] Show sample result for all backends.

0.03    2016-09-03  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- [Bugfix] Text::MarkdownTable backend: forgot to set columns().

	- [Bugfix] Text::ANSITable backend: correctly observe header_row

0.02    2016-09-03  Released-By: PERLANCAR

	- [Bugfix] Text::ASCIITable backend: default to no header_row and
	  observe the header_row setting.

0.01    2015-12-19  Released-By: PERLANCAR

        - First release.