Revision history for lib-filter

0.26    2016-08-23 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - [test] Replace dumping all installed modules when diagnosing require
          test failure to just printing the require'd module's path.

0.25    2016-07-09 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - Document, add test and example for allow_is_recursive=1.

        - [doc] Fix typos in examples.

0.24    2016-07-08 (PERLANCAR)

	- Also deduce caller package name from filename, this handles e.g.
	  Getopt::Long::Callback inside Getopt/ requiring other

0.23    2016-07-08 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add option: allow_is_recursive.

	- Make it possible to disallow modules that are already loaded,
	  e.g. strict, warnings, Config, etc.

	- [doc] Mention File::Which::Patch::Hide.

0.22    2016-05-19 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - [test] Replace Module::List::WithPath with PERLANCAR::Module::List,
          make it optional.

0.21    2016-05-18 (PERLANCAR)

	- Show error message "Can't locate FILE (...)" to fool Test::Needs.

0.20    2015-07-01 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [doc] Rework documentation, present alternatives to using
	  lib::filter for some tasks.

0.19    2015-06-30 (PERLANCAR)

	- Add lib::coreplus.

0.18    2015-06-29 (PERLANCAR)

	- Update example because using 'allow_noncore=0 + allow some
	  non-core XS modules' doesn't work because the non-core XS modules
	  will still search for loadable object in @INC; instead we'll use
	  custom filter for this.

	- Add option: debug.

0.17    2015-06-28 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [testing] Included Module::List::WithPath in t/lib/Module/
	  instead of t/lib/Module/List/, derp.

0.16    2015-06-28 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [testing] Replace Exporter with base, due to failure reports in
	  some system where Exporter is located in non-core dir [CT].

0.15    2015-06-28 (PERLANCAR)

        - Add option: filter.

0.14    2015-06-28 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [dist] Put Module::List::WithPath as TestSuggests to mark where
	  that module is used as prereq.

0.13    2015-06-28 (PERLANCAR)

        - [testing] Print list of modules on failure to require.

        - [testing] Remove the use of Test::Exception (unused) and
          IPC::System::Options (replaced with plain system()) so that lib-filter
          now does not depend on any non-core modules.

0.12    2015-06-26 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Allow running in perl 5.8.

0.11    2015-06-26 (PERLANCAR)

	- [testing] Use dummy modules for most testing [GH#4].

0.10    2015-06-25 (PERLANCAR)

        - [testing] Fix test failures.

0.09    2015-06-24 (PERLANCAR)

        - [testing] Change tests to use external Perl interpreters instead of
          in-process, to isolate from internals of Test::More, etc.

0.08    2015-06-18 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- [testing] Preload Scalar::Util because it's used by Test::More (delay

	- [testing] Remove stacktrace printer.

0.07    2015-06-18 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - [testing] [build] Rebuild with updated/fixed stacktrace printer from

0.06    2015-06-18 (PERLANCAR)

        - [testing] Preload Test::Builder's prerequisites before loading Test::*
          (thanks Sinan Ünür).

        - [testing] Install a simple stacktrace printer in the tests, to help
          debug problems.

        - Doc tweaks.

0.05    2015-05-27 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - [testing] Fix tests [GH #2].

        - [testing] Add more tests.

0.04    2015-05-26 (PERLANCAR)

        - Add lib::allow, lib::disallow.

        - Tweak POD & examples.

        - Reduce use of modules (we're now down to Config, strict, warnings; no
          more experimental).

0.03    2015-05-22 (PERLANCAR)

        - Add unimport().

        - [testing] Add minimal tests.

0.02    2015-05-19 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Fix/add examples in Synopsis.

0.01    2015-04-12 (PERLANCAR)

        - First release.