Revision history for App-HWD

0.08    Tue Aug 30 16:43:54 CDT 2005
        * Dates must now be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

        * Added --todo option to show only those items needing to be done.
        * Now handles fractional estimates.
        * Now handles deletion dates.  We don't DO anything with them,
          but they're legal, and burndown ignores them.
        * Franctional estimates and velocities in the main listing now
          show as "+" rather than the decimals.  For example, "12"
          shows as "12", but "12.5" shows as "12+".

        * No longer double-counts tasks worked on by multiple people
          in --started.
        * Doesn't print a total when a --started person is specified.

0.07_01 Wed Aug 17 15:03:12 CDT 2005
        * Previously, a task that was added after coding started was
          noted like this:

            --Implement widget (#251, 4hrs, @11/7/05)

          Now, we use the word "added" instead of "@"

            --Implement widget (#251, 4hrs, added 11/7/05)

        * Added whitespace to --started output.
        * Gives total points open on --started.

        * Fixed potentially destructive bug in a test file:

            unlink($started, qr#Chimp is working on.+ 107 - Refactor \(1/1\)#s);

          That "unlink" is, of course, supposed to be "unlike".  OOPS!

        * Removed code for handling --detail_level
        * bin/hwd now has no globals.
        * Added many items to TODO list.

0.06    Sun Aug 14 21:52:55 CDT 2005
        * Added a vim syntax file in etc/hwd.vim.
        * Added --burndown and starting on the burndown graphic.
          Thanks to Neil & Luke again.
        * Added a $task->date_added()

0.04    Tue Aug  2 15:47:23 CDT 2005
        * Added --started feature.  Thanks to Neil Watkiss and Luke
          Closs from Sophos.

0.02    Mon Aug  1 14:32:29 PDT 2005
        * Fixes silly syntax bummers.

        * Added --nextid

        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.