Revision history for File-Next

0.28    Tue Sep  5 23:51:41 CDT 2006

        Wrapped the CORE::die in a real function.  Also added a
        test to make sure that we die properly.

        Using proper File::Spec function to get the list of special

0.26    Sat Sep  2 10:10:12 CDT 2006

        No functionality changes.  Making the tests actually worki
        under Windows this time.  Thanks, Audrey!

0.24    Fri Sep  1 23:38:43 CDT 2006

        No functionality changes.  Only making the tests run under

0.22    Wed Aug 16 14:08:39 CDT 2006

        The file_filter was getting called incorrectly.  I was
        setting $File::Next::file instead of $File::Next::name.

        I've now also added tests to make sure that it's getting
        set correctly.

0.20    Tue Aug 15 02:28:42 CDT 2006

        First real version.  Don't use 0.01 any more.

        Iterator now returns separate file & directory components
        in array context.

        Rewrote internals.

0.01    Sat Jul 29 22:29:46 CDT 2006
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.