Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Lint.

0.91	January 8, 2002
	* Fixed: Content description tags (<CITE>, <EM>, etc) were
	not seen as being valid tags.

0.90	July 8, 2001
	First version of the rewrite as a subclass of HTML::Parser

0.03	May 15, 2001
	* Fixed t/*.t problems

0.02	May 14, 2001
	* Packaged and bundled with new namespace
	* First upload to CPAN
0.01	April 20, 2001
	* original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-n HTML::Lint -X -A
	* adapted entirely from Neil Bowers' Weblint package	
	* Neil's change history is in the file Changes-Neil

== Neil Bowers' original change log follows ==

			    ChangeLog for Weblint 2

1.9.3 Thursday 8 April (neilb)
	* added a button-usemap message, which checks for the illegal
	  situation where you have a BUTTON element containing an IMG
	  element, and you make the image an image map (USEMAP).
	  Noticed this while reading the HTML 4.0 spec, so added a test.
	* added test suites form frames and form elements, taken from the HTML
	  spec. A couple of bug fixes were needed to get everything working
	* Added first cut at weblint-cgi, a reference web-based gateway
	  to Requires LWP.
	* changed the message_handler() argument list for Weblint::Messages.
	  Made the cgi much easier if the message text is passed as well
	  as the line number and id.

1.9.2 Tuesday 6 April (neilb)
	* added implied-element message: for situations where seeing
	  one element implies you should see another. Added a test for
	  NOFRAMES - expect to see this if you see a FRAMESET.
	* started frames.t - testcases related to frame elements.
	* fixed handling of frames. Example from spec now works.
	* Added message 'body-colors' (class 'style') which is generated
	  if some but not all of the color attributes for BODY are used.
	  Enabled by default.
	* Fixed Makefile.PL so that the weblint script will get installed.
	* SPAN was not being allowed as a container.

1.9.1 Tuesday 30 March (neilb)
	* Added -messages switch to list all supported messages
		- replaces the -warnings switch
	* First cut at pod documentation for the weblint script
	* tossed all the command-line handling into a separate function
	* Added support for config files: user and system config files.
		- At the moment system config file must be specified by
		  modifying the top of the script. Should put this in
	* Added recursive checking of directories
	* Created first bit of documentation for Weblint::Messages
	* added -stderr switch
		- output_handle() method on Weblint::Messages for querying
		  and setting the output handle, defaults to STDOUT
		- messages() method on Weblint for getting Weblint::Messages
		  instance from Weblint instance.
		- -stderr switch in weblint script
	* added message classes 'error', 'warning', 'style' & 'internal'
		- all messages classified as one of these
		- class_enable() method added, enables/disables all messages
		  of a given class.
		- enable() method on Weblint::Messages can take one of
		  these four strings as a meta message id.
	* added message-id's for internal errors & warnings
		- so far: unknown-message, bogus-message-handler
		- these were previously "print STDERR ..."
		- means that they can be turned off with "-d internal"

1.9.0 Wednesday 24 March (neilb)
	* first release of weblint 2 working version to weblint victims
	* Weblint module (and several subordinate modules)
	* support for HTML 4.0