# $Id: Changes,v 1.16 2002/07/08 16:13:27 petdance Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Lint.

1.02    July 8, 2002
	* No functional changes.  It's all in the test suite.
	* Added a whole mess of *.t files.  They've been in CVS all along,
	  but I forgot to put them in the MANIFEST.  Ooops.

1.01    July 3, 2002
	* Tests use isa_ok() for more stringent checking of return objects
	* Added <nobr>.  Ooopsie.

1.00	June 5, 2002
	* weblint has a --context option to show the line that the error
	  occurs on.
	* Removed the original weblint log from this Changes file.
	* Fixed: Unknown tags wouldn't get put into the stack, so you
	  would get two errors: One complaining that it didn't know the
	  tag, and another that the closing tag didn't make sense.

0.94	May 31, 2002
	* Moved the %HTML::Lint::Error::errors hash to be a package
	variable, and not initialize it in an INIT block.

0.93	May 28, 2002	
	* weblint can now read URLs as well as files
	* Improved the docs in HTML::Lint::Error.

0.92	February 26, 2001
	* Removed the INIT block in HTML::Error in preparation for
	  Apache::Lint, and so brian's weblint++ can use it.
	* errors() method respects wantarray (brian d foy)
	* file(), line(), column(), errcode() and errtext() all return
	blank instead of undef.

0.91	January 8, 2002
	* Fixed: Content description tags (<CITE>, <EM>, etc) were
	not seen as being valid tags.

0.90	July 8, 2001
	First version of the rewrite as a subclass of HTML::Parser

0.03	May 15, 2001
	* Fixed t/*.t problems

0.02	May 14, 2001
	* Packaged and bundled with new namespace
	* First upload to CPAN
0.01	April 20, 2001
	* original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-n HTML::Lint -X -A
	* adapted entirely from Neil Bowers' Weblint package