Revision history HTML::Lint and Test::HTML::Lint.
NOTE: All bugs and requests are now being handled through GitHub.
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2.25_02 Tue Dec 27 14:34:22 CST 2016
html_fragment_ok() was not properly excluding document-level errors.
It was effectively the same as html_ok().
2.25_01 Fri Dec 23 22:36:17 CST 2016
Added two new types of errors to let you know you're using the
API incorrectly. You should be parsing files like this:
my $lint = HTML::Lint->new;
$lint->newfile( $filename );
$lint->parse( $line );
my @errors = $lint->errors();
If you neglect to call ->parse or ->eof, you'll get an error returned
in the list of errors from ->errors().
Test::HTML::Lint::html_fragment_ok() was not properly calling ->eof.
2.24 Wed Dec 7 22:20:13 CST 2016
Official release. No changes from 2.23_01.
2.23_01 Tue Dec 6 22:48:56 CST 2016
Added detection of unknown HTML entities, like "known &unclosed
&entities are not found". Also fixes the case where HTML::Lint
gets confused by an entity like "²" which it thought was an
unterminated "⊃" entity. Thanks, Klaus S. Madsen.
Errors of the type doc-tag-required did not come out in any defined
order. They are now sorted by tag name. This was discovered
because hash randomization caused tests to fail on Perl 5.18 and
above. Thanks, Slaven Rezic, Andrew Main and Lisa Hare.
Handle some warnings that get thrown if certain values are undef.
Thanks, Yves Lavoie.
Handle characters that are not handled by HTML::Entities. (GitHub
issue #13) Thanks, Tim Landscheidt.
Add a test to verify a fixed bug. Thanks to Lance Wicks as part of
the CPAN Pull Request Challenge.
2.22 Mon Apr 6 15:47:11 CDT 2015
Previously, html_ok() would not check the entire structure of a web
page to check for <html>, <head>, <title> and <body> tags. Now it
will. If you want to check fragments of HTML for validity but know
that they are not valid HTML documents on their own, use the new
Added new error, elem-input-alt-missing, that warns of <input
type="image"> tags that are missing an alt="" attribute. This helps
for accessability to make sure that any images have alternate text
for screen readers.
Added ability to modify HTML::Lint's table of known tags and
attributes, so you could do this:
# Add an attribute that your company uses.
HTML::Lint::HTML4::add_attribute( 'body', 'proprietary-attribute' );
# Add the HTML 5 <canvas> tag.
HTML::Lint::HTML4::add_tag( 'canvas' );
HTML::Lint::HTML4::add_attribute( 'canvas', $_ ) for qw( height width );
Test::HTML::Lint::html_ok() would not call the HTML::Lint eof()
method, which meant it wouldn't do document-wide tests.
2.20 Fri Apr 6 00:49:51 CDT 2012
Sometimes creating HTML::Lint-compliant HTML just isn't possible.
Now, you can now turn individual errors on and off in your HTML
via comment directives, like so:
<!-- html-lint elem-img-sizes-missing: off, attr-unknown: off -->
And if you have a batch of code that's hopeless:
<!-- html-lint all: off -->
Added check for unknown entities, such as "&foo;".
Added check for unclosed entitities, such as "&" without the
closing semicolon.
Added a check for a bare ampersand that should be written as &
2.10 Tue Dec 6 11:16:16 CST 2011
Tags that were self-closed were being ignored. For example, if you had
<img src="blah.jpg" />
then HTML::Lint would ignore the tag. This has been fixed.
HTML::Lint is now explicitly licensed under Artistic License 2.0,
instead of the vague "same terms as Perl itself."
2.06 Thu Dec 18 00:07:54 CST 2008
Added attributes to <frameset>.
<strong> tag didn't allow any attributes. Now it does.
Removed the <listing> tag.
2.04 Mon Jun 2 11:41:16 CDT 2008
<textarea> now knows about the wrap attribute.
Lots of enhancements pointed out by Perl::Critic.
2.02 Thu Nov 3 11:49:18 CST 2005
* The warnings for missing ALT and HEIGHT/WIDTH on your images
now give the SRC attribute.
2.00 Tue Sep 20 23:10:39 CDT 2005
* I've changed the object structure. HTML::Lint now has-a
HTML::Parser, and no longer is-a HTML::Parser.
* weblint-cgi and weblint-original are no longer distributed
with HTML::Lint.
* Now requires Perl 5.6.0.
* Line numbering is now correct if you parse more than one file.
* Changed t/*.*.t so that they only had one period in the
filename. Apparently VMS doesn't like filenames with multiple
I've thrown away previous history because really, nobody cares
what changed in this module prior to 2005.