Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Tidy.

1.06    Fri Aug 19 10:23:29 CDT 2005
        NO FUNCTIONAL CHANGES.  Just a version bump and some doc fixes.

1.05_02 Wed Apr 20 22:43:31 CDT 2005
        * Made clean() return undef if it has no input.  Thanks to
          Dominique Quatravax.  See RT #8051.
        * Removed line-endings so that we're happy cross-platform in
          the tests.  Thanks to the anonymous contributor of RT #7836.

        * Added support for config files.  Thanks to Anders Ardo!
          See RT #11120.

1.05_01 Thu Sep  2 21:01:52 CDT 2004
        * Fixed some segfaults when calling $tidy->clean().  Thanks
          to Aaron Patterson, fixes CPAN #7254.

        * Made the Makefile.PL more portable under Mac OS X where
          libtidy had been installed by Fink.  Also added some
          Debian and OS X notes to the README.  Thanks to Dan

1.04    Wed May 12 15:18:37 CDT 2004
        * If for some reason, Tidy can't create the cleaned up doc,
          we don't segfault.  Added a test to check for it with an HTML
          set that we know made it segfault in 1.02.

        * Portability enhancements from Dave Rolsky.

1.02    Wed Mar  3 22:43:57 CST 2004
        * Added clean() method for cleaning up using the Tidy magic.
          Thanks to Ben Trott.

        * Message parsing is split on a Ctrl-J instead of \n now.
          This should fix the test problems on Win32.

        * Removed the #include "ppport.h" from Tidy.xs so it can compile
          on Win32.  Thanks to crazyinsomniac.

        * Moved the install directions for tidylib into the README.

1.00    Wed Feb 25 22:19:28 CST 2004

        First real version, released on an unsuspecting world.

        If you were one of the ones to get in on 0.01 thru 0.04, you may
        want to check your code.  The API has changed some.  I know that
        parse_file() is now parse(), for example.  There may be others.

        Going forward, of course, I'll note any other API changes here.