Revision history for Perl extension MARC::Record.

1.15	December 2, 2002
	- Modified error messages to include field data that was parsed
	  when unable to determine subfields. This data can then be used
	  to repair the field if necessary.

1.14	November 27, 2002

	- Fixed bug in MARC::File::USMARC that was set off by failure of 
	  t/75.warnings.t under ActivePerl and CygWin.

1.13    November 26, 2002 
	- Moved new_from_usmarc() docs & code up right after new() to 
	  be more prominent. Thanks to Chris Biemesderfer for pointing this 
	- Added Chris Biemesderfer's section to the tutorial which 
	  discusses using MARC::Record with Net::Z3950.
	- Yet another overhaul to MARC::Batch to allow for error trapping. 
	  Added the warnings_on() warnings_off() methods to turn on/off 
	  warnings on STDERR. Also added strict_on() and strict_off() to 
	  change the behavior of next() when an error is encountered.
	  Thanks to Rob Fox of Notre Dame for providing guidance on the type
	  of behavior that is really needed when batch processing.
	- Added new tests for the improved handling of errors in MARC::Batch.
	- Added new warnings and strict methods to MARC::Doc::Tutorial, also
	  added more use of MARC::Batch instead of using MARC::File directly.
	- Improved docs on some functions to explicitly says what gets
	  returned from each function.

1.12	October 9, 2002 
	- Makefile.PL will now generate PDF and HTML documentation for 
	  Sourceforge when asked to.
	- Added a test for insert_field_grouped()
	- Added subject heading example to Tutorial
	- Fixed typo in docs for MARC::Record::append_fields()
	- Added code (and tests) for allowing users to specify alphanumeric
	  tags. This is little used, but it's in the spec, and someone asked
	  for it (Notre Dame). Edits were to MARC::Field and to a lesser
	  extent MARC::Record.

1.11	September 10, 2002
	- Added a 99.pod.t to check pod
	- insert_fields_before(), insert_fields_after(), appned_fields(),
	  and insert_grouped_fields() now call croak() instead of _gripe
	  in order to help MARC::Record users to locate where their call 
	  is failing. Thanks to Jackie Shieh for pointing this out.
	- MARC::Batch is now fault tolerant, in that it will store 
	  warnings about file format problems, but will not bomb out. 
	  The method MARC::Batch::warnings() can be used to get info
	  about what went wrong while reading a record, and users can
	  determine what to do. Thanks to Betsy Earl for solidifying the
	  need for this.

1.10	August 30, 2002
	- Now runs under Perl 5.005.  All you people who have older Perls can
	  now share in the joy that is MARC::Record.
	- Added warnings() and _warn methods to MARC::Batch, MARC::File to 
	  support warning collection and reporting.
	- Added use bytes to MARC::File::USMARC so that calls to length() will
	  return actual bytes rather than characters if Unicode characters are
	  found in the data.  This only works if you're using 5.6.0+.

	- Modified MARC::File::USMARC::_next() to slurp in a record using
	  local $/ = 0x1D, rather than reading record length and then calling
	  read(). This will allow recovery from invalid leaders in batch 

1.00	July 3, 2002
        - _gripe() fires off warnings instead of dying silently.
	- MARC::File::USMARC no longer creates an error if it's and the
	  end of a file when it tries to next().
	- Tests use the isa_ok() function to be more stringent in checking
	  return values from functions.

0.94	June 10, 2002
	- Added $MARC::Record::DEBUG
	- Added --debug flag to marcdump to enable $MARC::Record::DEBUG
	- Added 'Validation' section to MARC::Doc::Tutorial
	- Added append_fields(), insert_fields_after(), 
	  insert_fields_before() and deprecated add_fields()
	- Added test of new methods (t/60.insert.t)
	- Updated MARC::Doc::Tutorial to reflect change in add_fields()

0.93	May 21, 2002
	- Added update() and replace_with() methods to MARC::Field
	- Added more stuff to MARC::Doc::Tutorial
	- Added MARC::Doc::Tutorial
	- Changed method call description for as_usmarc() in MARC::Record.
	- Removed IDEA for cloning in MARC::Record docs since it's been done.

0.92    April 2, 2002
	- Fixed marclint to use the new MARC::File object
	- Added MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc() for backward compatibility.
	This is in addition to the MARC::Record::as_usmarc() function.

0.91	April 2, 2002
	- Fixed a bad build: MARC::Batch wasn't included in the tarball.

	- marcdump now takes a --lif parm to be able to dump MicroLIF

0.90	April 1, 2002
	- Alpha version of what will become MARC::Record 1.00.

	- MAJOR infrastructure changes.  Scripts WILL break.

	- The file-handling has been removed from the MARC::Record class
	and moved into its own MARC::File::* set of classes.

	- First rudimentary MARC::Batch functionality.  This will make
	it easy to handle bunches of files at once without having to
	muck with what file you're on.

	- Now fully embracing all the glory of 5.6+ Perl, such as the
	"our" keyword and $fh filehandles.

0.15	March 19, 2002
	- Added clone() methods for MARC::Field and MARC::Record, so
	you can make a copy of an existing record.  Plus, this acts
	as a filter to create records that are subsets of another.
	- Added selective printing of fields in marcdump.  Now you
	can do something like this:

	    marcdump myfile.marc --field=245 --field=1XX

	and only get back the title and author fields

0.14	March 7, 2002
	- Added skip_from_file() to read and ignore a record.  It's the
	same as next_from_file(), without the overhead of the parsing.

0.13    November 18, 2001
	- MARC::Lint now squawks if there are inappropriate control
	  characters in the data.

0.12	November 13, 2001
	- new_from_microlif() now allows underscores that are embedded in a
	  subfield, and ignores any HDR line that gets passed to it.

0.11	November 12, 2001
	- Added inbound microlif support.
	- Added lif2marc program.

0.10	September 27, 2001
	- Correctly updates the base address in the leader.  Thanks to
	Tim Wentz ( for finding & fixing.

0.09	August 9, 2001
	- Updated rules from "Understanding MARC" book.
	- Added delete_field() method.

0.08	May 25, 2001
	- Added MARC::Record::title and ::author methods
	- Added the marclint program.
	- Added the rest of the rules for the 5XX tags forward.
	- Made the modules compatible with Perl 5.004.  The exception
	  is MARC::Lint, which requires 5.005 because of the qr//
	- as_string() methods now return raw strings, without any special
	  formatting.  To get the formatted strings from versions <=0.07,
	  use as_formatted().

0.07	May 22, 2001
	- Added the rudimentary MARC::Lint module.
	- Added parms to marcdump program

0.06	May 16, 2001
	- Added marcdump program as demo and actual useful code

0.05	May 16, 2001
	- Created t/camel.t as the basis for a test suite. 
	- Removed the MARC::Field::subfields() method
	- Documentation cleanup.

0.04	May 15, 2001
	- Sped up the MARC::Record and MARC::Field constructors about 30%.

0.01	Apr 20, 2001
	- First version.