Revision history for Perl-Critic-Bangs
1.00 Mon May 26 19:10:40 CDT 2008
Updated to work with modern Perl::Critic 1.084. Thanks to
Elliot Shank for making that happen.
Fixed bug in ProhibitCommentedOutCode which prevented custom
configuration from working.
Added utf8 to the list of exceptions in ProhibitNumberedNames.
The exceptions are also now case-insensitive.
Added policy switched to testing
method that Perl::Critic uses.
0.22 Sun Jul 16 22:09:10 CDT 2006
$1 no longer runs afoul of ProhibitNumberedNames
0.20 Fri Jul 14 22:36:09 CDT 2006
First real working version that you'd want to install.