Change log for Test::Pod

1.24 - Wed Feb  1 15:18:06 PST 2006
    * The long-deprecated pod_ok() is now gone, along with all its

    * Now runs properly under VMS.  Thanks to Peter Edwards.

1.22 - Sun Oct 23 23:45:51 CDT 2005
    * Added check for lines with only whitespace before or after a
      directive.  Older POD formatters can get confused by such
      lines since they goof up paragraph mode. (RT #6467)

    * Bumped up requirements to Test::Simple 0.62.

1.20 - Wed Jun 23 00:28:35 CDT 2004
    * Looks in blib/ if there is one, otherwise looks in lib/
    * Thanks to David Wheeler for nudging.

1.18 - Fri May 28 23:48:28 CDT 2004
    * Now exports all_pod_files() as advertised.
    * Also includes *.t files as Pod.

1.16 - Fri Apr 30 17:42:50 CDT 2004
    * Fixed a warning under 5.8.3.  Also explicitly closes dir handles
      when searching for POD.

1.14 - Wed Apr 28 23:38:29 CDT 2004
    * Now runs taint-safe.  No longer uses File::Find.  I'm trying to
      get all my modules to run under -T correctly, so this is big.

1.12 - Sat Mar 13 10:34:06 CST 2004
    * all_pod_files() now picks up *.PL files.

1.10 - Tue Mar  9 23:27:16 CST 2004
    * Almost all of my coverage is almost to 100%.

    * Fixed some test bugs on Win32.
    * Message problems if the file is missing.

1.08 - Wed Jan 21 00:40:07 CST 2004
    No new features or fixes.

    * t/all_pod_files.t failed because in my zeal to be a good
      cross-platform guy, I used File::Spec separators on lists to
      compare against those coming from File::Find, which uses slashes.

1.06 - Sat Jan 10 08:47:55 CST 2004
    No new features or fixes.

    * t/all_pod_files.t failed because all_pod_files() returns an
      unsorted list.  Fixed.

1.04 - Fri Jan  9 22:39:15 CST 2004
    * all_pod_files() can now take multiple start directories.
      Thanks to David Wheeler for the patch.

    * All the *ok() functions now return the value of the underlying ok().

    * All functions are now documented.

    * Removed valid_file, which was not being used.

1.02 - Mon Nov 10 09:07:39 CST 2003
    No new functionality.  If 1.00 installed for you, then you don't
    need 1.02.

    * Fixed dumb test failure in t/all_pod_files.t.

    * Spiffed up the SYNOPSIS.

1.00 - Mon Nov 10 00:06:30 CST 2003
    * Added all_pod_files_ok() method.

0.96 - Sat Oct 11 22:46:00 CST 2003
    * Removed dependency on IO::Scalar, which was wrong.
    * Requires newest, most-lenient Pod::Simple.
    * Added various tests to the t/ hierarchy.  Thanks to David Wheeler
      for help on this.

0.95 - Mon Mar  3 09:35:00 CST 2002
    * Rewrote to use Pod::Simple instead of Pod::Checker
    * Deprecated the pod_ok function.
    * Added pod_file_ok() to replace pod_ok().

0.90 - Tue Dec  3 18:59:39 CST 2002
    * things seem to be going well, so this is not in beta :)
    * cleanup up some formatting
    * fixed the bad pod test which some Pod::Checker versions reported
      extra errors

0.72 - Thu Nov 14 20:16:13 CST 2002
    * cleaned up Makefile.PL and tests
    * no code changes

0.71 - Mon Sep  9 10:58:22 CDT 2002
    * added Test::Builder::Tester to PREREQ_PM

0.70 - Thu Sep  5 22:39:13 CDT 2002
    * pod_ok shows POD errors and warnings if it fails
    * you can give the test a name