Revision history for Test::Pod::Coverage

0.08    Fri Feb 13 23:13:21 CST 2004
        * Added all_pod_coverage_ok(), and all_modules() for support.

0.06    Jan 27 2004
        * Files with all pod and no symbols is no longer an error.
        * Enhanced some of the error messages.

0.04    Sun Jan 18 21:51:59 CST 2004
        * Now lists the naked subroutines in the error message.

0.03    Sat Jan 17 11:14:56 CST 2004
        * Now says what module has a problem if it can't find any
          POD.  Thanks, Barbie.

        * Added a couple more tests to bring my test coverage up
          to 100%, according to Devel::Cover.  Whoo!

        First version with the new reasonable API on pod_coverage_ok().
        If you got in on 0.01, switch now.