Revision history for Perl extension Test::Taint

        More goodness from Dan Kubb.

        New functions:
        * tainted_ok_deeply()
        * untainted_ok_deeply()

        * Added Build.PL for those who prefer Module::Build.

        * Added tests to improve coverage.  It's at 99% coverage now,
          up from around 80%.

        * Refactored the traversal code so that tainted_deeply and
          taint_deeply share almost the exact same code to walk the data

1.02    April 22nd, 2004
        This is the "Thanks, Dan Kubb" release.

        * Added taint_deeply() to taint all elements in a structure.

1.00    March 14th, 2004
        This is the "Thanks, Dave Rolsky" release.

        * taint() could corrupt a string and set it to 0.
        * Removed requirement on Test::Builder::Tester.

        * The taint() function now goes thru XS, instead of Perl magic.

0.01    Tue Feb  3 23:56:25 CST 2004
        Brand new, and ready to go.