# $Id: Changes,v 1.9 2002/10/24 04:04:37 alester Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Mechanize

0.32	September 23, 2002
	* Now correctly calls the LWP::UserAgent constructor.  (Thanks to
	  Philippe "BooK" Bruhat)

	* Fixed doc on what get() method returns.  (Again thanks to BooK)

	* Now uses http://www.google.com/intl/en/ as the basis for
	  testing, since non-US users apparently get redirected to
	  country-specific sites when they hit http://www.google.com/

0.31	September 13, 2002
	* get() now returns the HTTP::Response object.
	* Prepended push_page_stack(), pop_page_stack() and
	  do_request() with underscores, to emphasize that they 
	  are for internal use only.

0.30	September 10, 2002
	* Fixed the stack popping problem.
	* Put all the inline tests into t/*.t
	* get() doesn't work w/relative URLs

	* The arrays returned by extract_links()
	now have a third element, which contains
	the name attribute of the link (undef
	if the link has no name attribute).

Code before this point is forked off from WWW::Automate 0.20b.