# $Id: Changes,v 1.18 2003/06/30 02:21:02 petdance Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Mechanize
0.51 June 29, 2003
* Added the "mech-forms" command to list all the forms on a given page.
* Made the tick.t test not rely on 2shortplanks.com.
0.50 June 24, 2003
* Mech now does what most browsers do when they handle a redirect:
It changes the POST to a GET. This doesn't match the RFC,
but it's what browsers do. Thanks to Stuart Children.
0.49 June 23, 2003
* Added a fix a while ago that tracks redirect history. That fix
had the bad side effect of always allowing a redirect.
That has now been fixed.
0.48 June 22, 2003
* Added find_all_links() as the counterpart to find_link().
* get() wasn't passing through its parms to LWP::UserAgent::get(),
so you couldn't use the :content_file parm. Now it
behaves like a good little subclass.
0.47 June 21, 2003
* find_link() now lets you pass n=>"all" to get back a list
of all links that match the other criteria. NOTE: Outdated! See
v0.48 for the preferred way.
* find_link() and follow_link() now complain if you pass
invalid parms to them.
* Tracks URI history properly after redirects.
0.46 June 20, 2003
* Added tick() and untick() functions for handling checkboxes.
Thanks to Mark Fowler for this patch.
* The uri() will only be the URI of the requested page if it worked.
* Oh yes, I forgot to mention: We're on Sourceforge now.
0.45 June 11, 2003
* Added response() method, which is identical to res().
* Added a convenience method success(), which is just a wrapper
around $agent->res->is_success().
* Passes along a Referer: header. It can still be overridden
with the %Headers hash, though. Thanks, Corion.
* We now have a set of localized tests that run for machines that
aren't connected to the Net. There's now a t/lib/ directory for
those helper files, and the previous Utils.pm has been dropped.
Again, Corion to the rescue.
* Added to the FAQ
* Rearranged all the functions in the file so they are now
logically grouped.
0.44 June 5, 2003
* Now follows redirects after a POST. By default, LWP::UserAgent
does NOT follow redirects after a POST. This matches the
official RFC. However, since WWW::Mechanize is meant to be a
browser clone, and browsers follow the redirects after a POST,
I've changed this behavior. If this causes bummers, let me
know and maybe I'll throw in a switch.
* The package now includes the WWW::Mechanize logo in the etc/
directory. I have no idea what I'll do with it, but thanks
to Mengwong for making it!
0.43 May 29, 2003
* Now uses request() instead of send_request(). This should
solve all of our redirection and cookie bummers.
* Added reload() method. Thanks, Corion.
0.42 May 26, 2003
* Renamed _do_request() to send_request(), so it's now a
proper overload of LWP::UserAgent. Thanks to Philippe Bruhat.
Recorded in RT ticket #1708.
* Removed the req() method, and tests that used it.
* extract_links() now checks for <IFRAME> tags along with the
existing <A> and <FRAME>.
* Now explicitly requires HTML::HeadParser.
* Doesn't load Carp unless it's actually needed.
0.41 May 22, 2003
* There are no enhancements in functionality.
* Testing suite getting more network-independent.
* Started a FAQ section.
* New SYNOPSIS section. Thanks to Uri Guttmann.
* Documentation fixes. Thanks to Mark Stosberg, Mike Fragassi.
0.40 April 18, 2003
* Three new methods.
* find_link() for finding a specified link
* follow_link() for following a specified link
* submit_form() for all-in-one form submission.
All three owe a great deal to Uri Guttmann. Thanks, Uri!
* Split out the examples into WWW::Mechanize::Examples.pod
* Added t/back.t
* Documentation fixes from Abigail
0.39 April 1, 2003
* No functional enhancements. Everything is docs.
* Added a new example from Dan Rinzel, for posting to Movable Type
* Started playing with having the test suite not have to have
live net access.
0.38 March 24, 2003
* The %WWW::Mechanize::Headers hash is officially deprecated.
It will be removed pretty soon. I'm not sure what the
replacement will be, but it won't be a package-level hash.
* The submit() method is no longer an alias for click("submit"),
because some forms don't have a button called "submit".
In fact, some may not have any buttons at all if they're
* RT #2056: $agent->field() wasn't returning proper input field,
because of an incorrect call to the underlying HTML::Form.
Thanks to Prakash Kailasa.
0.37 March 4, 2003
* Added an is_html() method
* Added a title() method
* No longer requires the Clone module.
* No longer requires the Test::Pod module, although it's nice
to have.
0.36 February 4, 2003
* Added form lookup by name. Thanks to Jan Ivar Pladsen and
Iain Truskett for their patches.
* Added new functions form_name() and form_number(). Existing
form() function calls each of these as appropriate.
* Explicitly requires LWP 5.69 because of the form naming.
* Added new POD section "Examples" for user-submitted sample code
of how to use WWW::Mechanize.
* Quieted the warnings in the test suite, so that you don't get
expected, but disconcerting, warnings to the screen.
0.35 January 22, 2003
* Now creates an internal cookie_jar by default.
* Beefing up the test suite
* Don't forget, direct access to internal members is deprecated.
Use the accessors starting now.
0.33 January 15, 2003
* Added accessor methods
* Deprecated the direct accessing of object contents. You can
no longer rely on the names of any of the hash elements.
* Added a quiet() method to suppress warnings to the screen.
* More documentation fixes. (Thanks to Briac Pilpré)
0.32 September 23, 2002
* Now correctly calls the LWP::UserAgent constructor. (Thanks to
Philippe "BooK" Bruhat)
* Fixed doc on what get() method returns. (Again thanks to BooK)
* Now uses http://www.google.com/intl/en/ as the basis for
testing, since non-US users apparently get redirected to
country-specific sites when they hit http://www.google.com/
0.31 September 13, 2002
* get() now returns the HTTP::Response object.
* Prepended push_page_stack(), pop_page_stack() and
do_request() with underscores, to emphasize that they
are for internal use only.
0.30 September 10, 2002
* Fixed the stack popping problem.
* Put all the inline tests into t/*.t
* get() doesn't work w/relative URLs
* The arrays returned by extract_links()
now have a third element, which contains
the name attribute of the link (undef
if the link has no name attribute).
Code before this point is forked off from WWW::Automate 0.20b.