Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Mechanize::Cached
1.26 Sun Feb 29 23:59:48 CST 2004
* Removed a duplicate $key. Cleaned up some of the internal code,
and made the variable names more explicit.
* Added an autocheck=>1 to the t/cached.t test. Also hits instead of Iain's now-gone website.
* Removed the SIGNATURE, which I don't intend to maintain.
1.24 Sun Jan 18 23:10:40 CST 2004
On December 29th, 2003, Iain Truskett, the original author of
WWW::Mechanize::Cached passed away. I've taken over maintenance
of the module. If you're interested in carrying on Iain's work,
let me know.
1.23 December 1, 2003
Initial version, released by Iain Truskett.