$Id: Changes,v 1.5 2003/03/06 19:57:55 petdance Exp $

0.12 - Thu Mar  6 13:55:47 2003 (Andy Lester)
	Most of the changes in this revision are from Chris Nandor:

	* Add basic help page
	* Add more debugging information (dump `` output)

	* Add command-line switches for help, debug, and test (exits after
	  testing phase)

	* Allow not using either the CPAN or SourceForge.net (but not both)

	* Check cvs exit status

	* Do not update CVS automatically; release will exit if it sees a U
	  anyway, so might as well just let the developer handle it

	* Allow modification of "release name" via regex in .releaserc

	* Update docs

	* General cleanup

0.11 - Mon Mar  3 11:58:42 2003 (Andy Lester)
	* Patches to make this less brian-specific.  Thanks to Chris
	  Nandor for taking it upon himself to do so.

	* Removed a lot of dependencies on external modules. 

0.10 - Wed Dec 11 16:40:53 2002 (brian d foy)
	* prompt for comments to put in Changes, commit Changes, and
	use comments in SourceForge change log notes

	* guess the release file name from 'make dist' so the first
	argument is now optional

	* put the right date in the SourceForge release date