Revision history for Perl module Data::IEEE754::Tools.

v0.011_002 In Progress
    - use 5.8.5: perlver says that the only requirement for 5.8 is the constant hash
        - v0.011_002: attempt to lower to 5.6.0, and change from constant hash to multiple `use constant` lines
    - Test suite for :raw754 now switches to '==' comparison for numeric arguments, and check for 64bit NV
        - bug @ <>; still exists in v0.011_001
        - v0.011_002: change test suite to use a '%+24.16e' got eq expect, rather than raw got == expect,
          which should keep us successfully '-1.6000000000000000e-001', even when the 16byte version is
    - nextup():
        * bug @ <>,
        * could not replicate; but adding diagnostics showed that when LSB underflows (goes to -1),
          the hexification is too many F's; perhaps on some systems, that was being misinterpreted
          when the two were being recombined, so masked the MSB and LSB before merging
        * v0.011_001: issue did not appear during CPAN Testers, so believed fixed
    - Test suite for :floatingpoint now converts SNAN to expect /[SQ]NAN/,
        because it doesn't really matter that much whether Perl silences a signaling NAN
        * bug @ <>
        * v0.011_001: issue did not appear during CPAN Testers, so believed fixed

v0.010 Fri Jul 08 16:50:00 PDT 2016
    - Initial release

v0.001 - v0.008
    - Private development