Revision history for App-Devel-MAT-Explorer-GTK

0.05    2017-10-10 01:00:55
         * Implement the new Devel::MAT::Cmd integration methods for
           Devel::MAT version 0.28
         * Quiet the warning about large numbers being nonportable for hex()

0.04    2017-09-29 19:15:21
         * Add a 'pmat'-style REPL shell
         * Implement the Devel::MAT::UI / ::Cmd integration methods for tools
           to use; up to Devel::MAT version 0.27

         * 64bit perls need to use the Glib::Long types in SV list data model

0.03    2016/09/09 17:13:06
         * Fix for 'bytes2size' function reference
         * Complain louder and more obviously if gdk-pixbuf can't load SVGs

0.02    2016/06/06 15:53:49
         * Beginning of code split into multiple .pm files
         * Display ifileno/ofileno information from Devel::MAT 0.23
         * Set a distribution abstract description

0.01    2016/04/05 16:30:03
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.