Revision history for App-eachperl

0.10    2024-08-29
         * Added `install_no_system` config option
         * Apply validation constraint checks by using
           `Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Checked` + `Data::Checks`.
         * Use Object::Pad v0.800 to get non-experimental field init

0.09    2022-12-12
         * Added `uninstall` command
         * Added `--ver` shortcut option for selecting exactly one version

0.08    2022-12-08
         * List and allow selecting on devel-version status

         * Declare Attribute::Storage as a dependency (RT145500)

0.07    2022-12-05
         * Updated for Object::Pad v0.73:
            + Use `field NAME = EXPR` syntax
         * Use Commandable for commandline handling
         * Also print a flag on `list` output to show which perls have
           -DDEBUGGING enabled
         * No longer requires Struct::Dumb

0.06    2022-04-05
         * Quiet the :experimental(init_expr) warning of new Object::Pad

0.05    2022-02-28
         * Added `--only-if` option
         * Fix oneline output format for things like `modversion` command
         * Updated for Object::Pad 0.54

0.04    2021-09-11
         * Have `eachperl list` show which perls are thready
         * Rewrite to use Object::Pad
         * Better status printing during `exec`-like commands by using
           IO::Term::Status and running perls via PTY

0.03    2021-04-28
         * Added `--reverse/-r` and `--stop-on-fail/-s` options

         * Don't run `make` via $^X

0.02    2020-04-24
         * Added `test-local`, `install-local` and `build-then-perl` commands
         * Added `--no-test` option
         * Make sure `--until` runs until the end of the series
         * More concise output from `modpath` and `modversion` commands

0.01    2020-04-09
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.