Revision history for App-sdview

0.06    2022-02-10
         * Updates for perl 5.35.9:
            + Avoid use of @_ within signatured methods
         * Handle item-less =over/=back paragraphs in POD
         * Initial attempt at parse and output support for manpages
         * Add extra whitespacing to turn fixedwidth blocks into neat
           rectangles (RT140536)

0.05    2021-11-15
         * Use Unicode bullets symbol rather than plain ASCII asterisk
         * Handle tables in Markdown
         * Handle 'digits)' in Markdown for numbered lists
         * Also permit '.markdown' as a filename extension
         * Added plain-text output format

         * Fix for crash on Terminal output numbered lists

0.04    2021-08-25
         * Better handling of POD's item-text paragraphs
         * Better terminal rendering of leader items in bullet/number/term
         * Fix some (harmless but really annoying) warnings that would
           otherwise become apparent after Object::Pad RT139027 bugfix

0.03    2021-07-25
         * Implement different output plugins too - generate POD and Markdown

0.02    2021-06-29
         * Set `less` raw option with "-R", not "+R" (RT136875, RT136977)

0.01    2021-06-22
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.