Revision history for App-sdview
0.12 2023-08-30
* Neater interaction between `margin` and `indent` style keys
* User-overridable style formatting by providing a `~/.sdviewrc` file
* Use `Pod::Perldoc` to search for POD files relating to given names,
so we can find the non-module `perldelta`, etc... as well
0.11 2023-08-25
* Use `Module::Pluggable` to find Parser and Output classes
* Add some POD documentation, at least to the Output modules
* Move style information into new `App::sdview::Style` module
* Other preparations for Tickit-based output module
0.10 2023-08-24
* Updated to Object::Pad v0.800
* Swapped all unit tests from `Test::More` to `Test2::V0`
* Apply `Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Checked` constraints to fields of
the helper structures in
0.09 2022-12-05
* Updated for Object::Pad v0.73:
+ Use `:isa` and `:does`
+ Use `field NAME = EXPR` syntax
* Moved Markdown span parsing/output to new String::Tagged::Markdown
0.08 2022-10-29
* Updates for Object::Pad v0.70:
+ `ADJUST :params`
+ `field`
* Define formatting and handling for head4 in POD and Markdown
0.07 2022-07-05
* Use :isa() attribute of Object::Pad 0.57 instead of 'isa' keyword
* Search @INC for .pod or .pm files directly rather than asking
`perldoc -l`, so that failure does not print annoying error
0.06 2022-02-10
* Updates for perl 5.35.9:
+ Avoid use of @_ within signatured methods
* Handle item-less =over/=back paragraphs in POD
* Initial attempt at parse and output support for manpages
* Add extra whitespacing to turn fixedwidth blocks into neat
rectangles (RT140536)
0.05 2021-11-15
* Use Unicode bullets symbol rather than plain ASCII asterisk
* Handle tables in Markdown
* Handle 'digits)' in Markdown for numbered lists
* Also permit '.markdown' as a filename extension
* Added plain-text output format
* Fix for crash on Terminal output numbered lists
0.04 2021-08-25
* Better handling of POD's item-text paragraphs
* Better terminal rendering of leader items in bullet/number/term
* Fix some (harmless but really annoying) warnings that would
otherwise become apparent after Object::Pad RT139027 bugfix
0.03 2021-07-25
* Implement different output plugins too - generate POD and Markdown
0.02 2021-06-29
* Set `less` raw option with "-R", not "+R" (RT136875, RT136977)
0.01 2021-06-22
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.