Revision history for Data-Checks

0.07    2024-07-12
         * Added `ArrayRef` and `HashRef` constraints
         * Added `Any` and `All` hyper-constraints
         * More extensive unit testing of constraints by automatically
           generating reject cases

0.06    2024-07-09
         * Added `Callable` constraint
         * Apply const folding where possible at compile-time so that
           constraint expressions become runtime constants
         * Added a SYNOPSIS example demonstrating use with

0.05    2024-07-01
         * Added `NumEq`, `NumRange`, various single-ended numerical bounded
         * Added `StrEq`

         * Ensure that the benchmark tests are suitable version-guarded for
           external `:Checked` attribute modules

0.04    2024-06-27
         * Added `Isa()` and `Maybe()` parametric constraints
         * Declare `Data::Checks::Builder` version 0.43 to fix earlier version
           numbering error - no actual code change

0.03    2024-06-23
         * Added a few basic constraints: `Defined`, `Str`, `Num`, `Object`
         * Added some cross-module integration tests for
           `Signature::Attribute::Checked` and `Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Checked`
         * Added SYNOPSIS documentation section giving examples of each

0.02    2024-06-21
         * Added `free_checkdata()` and `gen_assertmess()` API functions
         * Better management of SV reference counts
         * `struct DataChecks_Checker` is now an opaque structure

0.01    2024-06-19
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.