Revision history for Devel-MAT

0.25    2017/03/27 14:09:55
         * Attempt to elide RVs in `identify` output
         * Add a 'help' command to pmat shell
         * Added the start of Devel::MAT::UserGuide
         * Moved `pmat-callstack` to  `pmat> callstack`
         * Removed used of given/when syntax

         * Fix for perl 5.25.x's removal of ->op_sibling (RT114581)
         * Avoid creating files called -e.pmat (RT119164)
         * abs_path() the dumpfile path at startup time in case of chdir()

0.24    2016/06/03 19:07:47
         * Capture the input/output fileno values of IO handles
         * Moved more standalone commands into 'pmat' command Tools
            + pmat-identify-sv  becomes  pmat> identify
            + pmat-show-sv      becomes  pmat> show
         * Added  pmat> io  commands
         * Make main 'pmat' into an interactive repl-like program if run with
           no additional arguments

0.23    2016/04/05 16:32:43
         * Allow -dump_at_SIGNAME for any named signal
         * Added simple 'pmat-diff' script
         * Distinguish undefined scalars from defined ones, using a new icon
         * Initial experiment at generic 'command' ability
         * Moved GTK explorer to its own distribution;

0.22    2016/03/16 16:22:19
         * Added a simple script to find PVs by content
         * Updated documentation to =head2 barename style

         * Fix back-compat loading of v0.1 files with EVAL contexts in
         * Fix perl5.22/ithreads that lacks padnames
         * Fix perl5.23.8 that removes blk_sub.argarray

0.21    2015/10/29 20:58:29
         * Compatibility with perl 5.22 (RT100458):
            + Added/removed roots
            + Correctly handle GV-less CVs
         * Updated dumpfile format
            + Store the CvDEPTH of CVs and the olddepth of SUB contexts
            + Capture CvLEXICAL flag and the name of CvNAMED CVs
         * Allow lookup of PAD index from padname for lexicals (RT100967)
         * Improved output format of pmat-callstack, showing the value of a
           $self lexical if one exists
         * Increased dump format minor version to 2

         * No need to emit two copies of the default stash if perl has heap-
           allocated it (RT103499)

0.20    2014/12/04 18:35:09
         * Allow serial-numbering of .pmat files in the Dumper
         * Totally refactored $pmat->identify to return an abstract Graph
         * Much improved pmat-identify-sv output; sort strong-refs first,
           use Unicode linedrawing, identify "already seen" SVs clearer
         * GTK Explorer improvements:
            + Allow search by symbol
            + Show longer PV strings in tooltip
            + Selectable SV detail labels

0.19    2014/11/18 13:17:28
         * No need to annotate 'directly' or 'indirectly' on outref names
         * Added -dump_at_DIE option to Devel::MAT::Dumper
         * Added icon for INVLIST from perl 5.20

0.18    2014/07/14 22:45:08
         * Improved for Tools to create custom UIs
            + Widget trees
            + Label text + icon
            + Tool-localised icon load paths
         * Support loading Tools automatically
         * Neater API for inrefs/outrefs that also indicates link strength

0.17    2014/01/22 21:33:45
         * Also dump SvUTF8() flag of PVs
         * Added pmat-cat-svpv

         * Don't crash on NULL PADLIST elements (RT92290)

0.16    2014/01/15 18:18:53
         * More accurate format for dumping SV MAGIC annotations
            - note that older files will contain incorrect information
         * More accurate backref information
         * Improvements to analysis of PAD lexicals

         * Fix many cases of optree dumping to get correct PAD indexes
         * Further minor fixes that improve SvREFCNT / inrefs accuracy

0.15    2014/01/14 11:12:37
         * Remember to basename() $0 for default dumpfile name
         * Added -eager_option import option
         * Added $df->roots_strong
         * Added options to $pmat->identify and pmat-identify-sv command

         * Avoid infinite loop in $pmat->identify in cyclic cases
         * Fix docs on ->rv method (RT92122)

0.14    2014/01/04 20:25:16
         * Move much core data storage into XS structs, for reduced memory
           consumption of analyser and some CPU performance gains
         * Display human-readable size information in GTK explorer
         * Added a size totals summary commandline tool
         * Improved recursion logic in Inrefs tool; avoids multiple recursions
           into shared structures

         * Fix for 5.10.0

0.13    2013/12/06 21:37:35
         * Performance improvement to inrefs counting
         * Added Sizes tool - calculates structure and owned set and sizes
         * Allow Tools to declare UI radiobutton sets
         * Improved Tools ability to interact with the SV list
         * Disable Tools menu items for loaded tools to avoid loading them

         * Add List::UtilsBy to requirements
         * Our version of dopoptosub_at() doesn't need aTHX_

0.12    2013/12/03 15:18:43
         * Classify outrefs and inrefs into various kinds
         * Subclass ARRAY into PADLIST, PADNAMES, PAD for CODE
         * Allow selection of what kinds of refs to count/display on the GTK
         * Store more flags (CvWEAKOUTSIDE, CvCVGV_RC, AvREAL) so as to get
           strong/weak references correct
         * Store the SvOUTSTASH of SCALARs and REFs
         * Added a commandline wrapper for $pmat->identify

         * require() tool .pm files automatically when calling ->load_tool

0.11    2013/11/28 14:30:32
         * Complete redesign of dumpfile format so it is more extensible in future
         * Represent RVs by their own type, REF, rather than being a kind of SCALAR
         * Store caller()-like context in dumpfiles as well
         * Store CLONE/CLONED/ISXSUB CV flags and oproot
         * Attempt to match CLONE protosubs with CLONED closures
         * Added SCALAR->iv method
         * Neaten the names of STASHes whose names begin with a control character
         * Pretty-print PVs and limit length to 32 characters in GTK explorer
         * Added icons for REF and LVALUE types

         * Guard against PL_main_root being NULL, as it can be early in compilation
         * Improved Reachability tool logic for CODE PAD slots

0.10    2013/11/26 00:42:14
         * Display dumped perl version, SV and byte counts in GTK explorer
           status bar
         * Dump all GVs, even those without GPs
         * Store size information about all SVs
            + TODO: CODE size does not take account of optree
         * Have dump_at_{END,SIGABRT,SIGQUIT} print to STDERR
         * Limit the capture size of PVs, but still note the full length
         * Dump FILE and LINE of CVs and GVs
         * Redrawn type icons

         * Fix for NVLEN=16 architectures

0.09    2013/11/22 00:25:17
         * Remove orphan count unit test as it is too unreliable

         * Sometimes a PAD(0) slot is NULL
         * ->identify is now a $pmat method
         * ->identify should load Inrefs tool
         * Try harder to clear PL_tmpsv when making an unreachable cycle

0.08    2013/11/10 19:27:30
         * Chase more fields of an HV's mro_meta
         * Document how Tools may interact with the UI
         * Allow Tools to register and use icons on the UI
         * Rework Reachability tool to analyse kinds of reachability
         * Move inrefs logic into its own new Inrefs Tool
         * Slight performance improvement to dumpfile loading
         * Display icons also for general SV type

         * Ensure ->find_symbol actually works for deeply-nested symbols

0.07    2013/11/08 01:33:01
         * Added new concept of Devel::MAT::Tool::* and Devel::MAT::UI
         * Implement SV type counting and reachability analysis Tools
         * Allow dumping on SIGABRT

         * Support perl 5.10
         * Support NVSIZE==16 architectures

0.06    2013/10/28 00:14:24
         * Don't yield constants from both anonymous subs -and- constix/constsv
         * Don't bother including all the PL_sv_undef lexnames

         * Remember to store padlist in pre-5.18 perls
         * PL_main_cv does not have a CvROOT(); need to use PL_main_root
           (fixes unit test failures on non-threaded perls)

0.05    2013/10/22 01:34:44
         * Added ->find_symbol and ->find_glob
         * Identify weakrefs in descriptions and in GTK explorer
         * All hashes have the backrefs AV field, not just stashes
         * Recognise import() options on D:M:Dumper
         * Grab padnames and pad AVs on 5.18
         * Added a toolbar with back/forward buttons in GTK explorer

         * Don't crash when ->identify'ing SVs that are stack temporaries

0.04    2013/10/09 23:23:27
         * Renamed dumpfile() to just dump()
         * Don't delete elided RVs; include both direct and via-RV outrefs

         * Start 'identify' with the initial SV already seen so it doesn't
           infinitely recurse
         * Remember to still fix up consts_at from constix on ithreaded 5.18
         * Need to check if SVs are actually magical (SvMAGICAL), not just
           potentially magical (>= SVt_PVMG)

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Altered handling of PADLISTs for perl 5.18.0
         * Ensure that UINTs and PTRs are written in correct platform sizes

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Bugfixes for non-threaded perls
         * Trace constants/GVs/etc... through optrees
         * Handle SVt_PVLV

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.