Revision history for Device-Chip

0.07    2016/05/05 15:14:10
         * Defined a ->read method on I2C protocol
         * Moved the Tickit-based GPIO example code into an installable module
           so that other distributions can easily reuse it

0.06    2016/01/21 16:00:24
         * Added methods to perform 'split transaction' SPI operations
         * Added ->tris_gpios method

         * Ensure Test::Device::Chip::Adapter can handle GPIO methods

0.05    2015/11/24 19:24:10
         * Added Test::Device::Chip::Adapter

0.04    2015/11/18 01:16:47
         * Define the GPIO protocol and the methods a protocol instance can
           use to provide access to GPIO lines
         * Added some example scripts for GPIOs
         * Pass mount options through to PNAME_options
         * Added ->mount_from_paramstr as a further script convenience for
           mount-time options

0.03    2015/11/13 00:32:07
         * Added Device::Chip::Base::RegisteredI2C
         * Optionally invoke $chip->PNAME_options to configure a protocol at
           mount time

0.02    2015/11/12 00:30:29
         * Renamed ->connect to ->mount
         * Added Adapter->new_from_description as a utility for wrapper
         * Define I2C protocol

0.01    2015/11/09 23:42:42
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.