Revision history for Device-Chip-HTU21D

0.08    2022-04-28
         * Use the new :isa from Object::Pad 0.57 to avoid `extends`

0.07    2021-01-02
         * Implement the Device::Chip::Sensor API

0.06    2020-12-06
         * Use new toplevel 'await' syntax from Future::AsyncAwait 0.47

0.05    2020-05-07
         * Use Object::Pad for class implementation

0.04    2019-09-07 22:17:37
         * Avoid Data::Bitfield's "bytes-BE" format as it is due to be changed

0.03    2019-01-21 19:39:01
         * Use Future::AsyncAwait

0.02    2017-11-11 02:02:19
         * Declare dependency on Data::Bitfield
         * Fix POD error

0.01    2016/10/02 22:15:25
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.