Revision history for Device-Chip-MAX7219
0.07 2022-10-29
* Updates for Object::Pad v0.70
+ `ADJUST :params`
0.06 2022-01-31
* Added Device::Chip::MAX7219Panel module for driving a whole matrix
display panel comprised of multiple chips
* Updated for Object::Pad 0.57
0.05 2020-12-06
* Updated to Object::Pad + Future::AsyncAwait
* Added some unit tests
0.04 2016/12/10 23:11:25
* Deleted legacy redirection from Device::BusPirate::Chip::MAX7219
* Updated for =head2 barename function doc style
0.03 2015/11/12 00:35:58
* Updated for Device::Chip 0.02
+ ->mount instead of ->connect
+ Use Device::Chip::Adapter->new_from_description in script
0.02 [CHANGES]
* Renamed from Device::BusPirate::Chip::MAX7219
* Changed to implement Device::Chip interface
Previously, this distribution was called Device-BusPirate-Chip-MAX7219
0.01 2014/11/01 17:02:03
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.