Revision history for Device-Chip-MCP23x17

0.06    2022-12-11
         * Updated for Object::Pad v0.66 - use `field` instead of `has`

0.05    2022-01-31
         * Updated for Object::Pad 0.57
            + Use ADJUST block instead of BUILD
            + Use :isa attribute instead of `extends` keyword
         * Updated for bleadperl
            + Avoid use of @_ within signatured method

0.04    2021-06-21
         * Use `:param` slot attribute from Object::Pad 0.41

0.03    2020-12-15
         * Re-packed tarball, removing stale Makefile.PL

0.02    2020-12-06
         * Provide a Device::Chip::Adapter to expose the IO pins as GPIO
         * Updated to use Object::Pad + Future::AsyncAwait

0.01    2015/11/24 19:25:45
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.