Revision history for Device-Chip-SSD1306
0.09 2020-12-06
* Updated to use Object::Pad
* Use toplevel 'await' syntax from Future::AsyncAwait 0.47
0.08 2019-01-08 23:54:57
* Use Future::AsyncAwait for `async sub` syntax
0.07 2018-09-10 16:53:16
* Remark that the driver also supports an SSD1309
* Fix description of the arrow bitmap
* Add ->display_invert to control inverted output mode
0.06 2018-08-08 18:01:23
* Add a ->draw_blit method for rendering bitmaps onto the framebuffer
* Support configuring the X- or Y-axis flipping in hardware
* Fix accidental Y-axis flip in display initialisation code
0.05 2018-08-05 13:48:14
* Support the 0.49inch 64x32 module
* Maintain a framebuffer, provide some efficient drawing methods for
managing it
0.04 2017/01/09 00:21:52
* Support other sized modules:
+ SSD1306 at 128x32
+ SH1106 chips - often used on larger displays
0.03 2016/06/08 14:45:05
* Fix t/00use.t for renamed module
0.02 2016/06/07 23:52:07
* Renamed from Device::BusPirate::Chip::SSD1306
* Changed to implement Device::Chip interface
Previously, this distribution was called Device-BusPirate-Chip-SSD1306
0.01 2015/04/15 00:41:50
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.