Revision history for IO-Async-SSL

0.17    2015/05/29 19:52:02
         * Tell openssl s_server to be -quiet so its verbose junk doesn't
           upset the test script (RT104757)
         * No need to even unpack $buf from @_ in sslwrite when it's not
           passed to the underlying _syswrite (RT103774)

0.16    2015/04/17 20:52:35
         * Declare required version of IO::Socket::SSL to get default_ca()
         * Explicitly set $! to EINVAL when unit-test mocking methods fail
         * Declare requirement on IO::Async 0.66 for various bugfixes

0.15    2015/04/04 14:52:23
         * Use IO::Async::Stream reader/writer functions instead of SSLStream
         * Use hints provided by IO::Socket::SSL::default_ca (RT96474)

         * Remember about EWOULDBLOCK on MSWin32
         * Handle EAGAIN from acceptor (RT102403)
         * Don't invoke on_ssl_error handler for cleartext acceptor failures

0.14    2014/03/27 11:24:08
         * Avoid relying on strong forward references in Future, by creating
           intentional cycles on pending Futures. Workaround for bugfix in
           upcoming Future release.

0.13    2013/10/03 19:49:20
         * Support new IO::Async::Loop 0.61 listen API
         * Listen via futures

0.12    2013/09/10 01:17:16
         * Ensure that ->connect with a 'handle' works, by deferring setting
           the socket on the given stream until it has been SSL_upgrade'd.

0.11    2013/09/09 13:32:49
         * Perform SSL_upgrade and SSL_connect primarily on futures
         * Allow SSL_connect on an existing Stream object, by using
           reader/writer functions of IaStream 0.59

         * No point waiting on writeready when syswrite already said it wants
         * Fix "on_accept" typo in docs (RT86867)

0.10    BUGFIXES:
         * Allocate port numbers for external binary tests dynamically so that
           concurrent unit tests can proceed (RT85301)
         * Added a unit test that tests listening for openssl s_client

0.09    BUGFIXES:
         * Use IO::Async::OS->socketpair instead of $loop->socketpair
           (thanks Tom Molesworth) (RT84638)

0.08    CHANGES:
         * Prefer the /etc/ssl/certs directory if it exists, for SSL_ca_path.

0.07    CHANGES:
         * Updated for IO::Async 0.54 - use Futures instead of IaMergePoint
         * Attempt to use Mozilla::CA to set SSL_verify_mode and SSL_ca_file

0.06    BUGFIXES:
         * Make sure to pass 'socktype' hint to ->connect or ->listen during

0.05    BUGFIXES:
         * Ensure clean shutdown on SSL upgrade failure
         * Explicitly set family => "inet" in tests against socat

0.04    CHANGES:
         * New SSL_upgrade method on Loop and Protocol::Stream
         * Support on_stream continuation for SSL_connect and SSL_listen

0.03    BUGFIXES:
         * Don't is() test directly on socket addresses; unpack them and use
         * Supply a hostname to $loop->listen()

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Added Test::Pod testing
         * Make sure tests don't fail on machines without socat or openssl

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.