Revision history for Net-Async-CassandraCQL

0.06    2013/09/12 17:39:26
         * First attempt at clustering support - NaCassandraCQL object now
           represents the cluster as a whole, with individual connections
         * Query the system.peers table at connect time, and fail-over to
           another node if the connection fails

0.05    2013/09/03 17:08:58
         * Support password-based authentication
         * Support registering interest in server events, and invoking a
           callback then they arrive

0.04    CHANGES:
         * Moved Protocol::CassandraCQL to its own distribution
         * Added ->query_rows, ->quote, ->quote_identifier
         * Added some convenience methods to query schema metadata
           (schema_keyspaces, schema_columnfamilies, schema_columns)

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Allow setting a default consistency level to avoid needing one at
           every call to ->query or ->execute
         * Validate perl data being passed to ->execute bind parameters
         * Added $result->rowmap_array and ->rowmap_hash
         * Implement INET type
         * Moved more parsing/building code into Protocol::CassandraCQL to
           prepare for distribution split

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Added $result->rows_array and ->rows_hash
         * Represent types as firstclass objects
         * Implement collection types (LIST, SET, MAP)
         * Implement UUID and TIMEUUID types
         * Updated documentation

         * Account for inexactness of DOUBLE result printing in unit tests
         * Abort build if no 64bit pack format support
         * Make Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame perl 5.8.8-clean

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.